By Jacob Day, WIC GTAWIC Culture of Writing Award

Through the annual Culture of Writing Award, WIC and participating units and schools foster a commitment to excellence in undergraduate student writing and recognize the value of writing across the disciplines. Participation in the Culture of Writing Award has thrived since 2006 as students earn recognition and cash awards through either individual or team writing projects. This year, participation continues to be strong with early results showing 16 awardees, with more expected.  WIC would like to thank all participating units for their continued desire to recognize and reward outstanding student writing. Congratulations to this year’s award winners!

  Student Name Paper Title College / Unit Nominating Professor
1 Crystal Kraft “Harper’s Healing with Horse Therapy” College of Public Health and Human Sciences, School of Social and Behavioral Health Sciences Joy Lile
2 Heaven Le Roberts “Ethical Concerns of Testing Toxins in Animals” College of Agricultural  Sciences, Animal and Rangeland Sciences Giovanna Rosenlicht
3 Christopher Heron “Synthesis and Characterization of 4-Ethylbenzophenone” College of Science, Chemistry Michelle Dolgos
4 K.C. Clay “Emotions as Motivations for the Conquistadors” College of Liberal Arts School of History, Philosophy, and Religion Nicole von Germeten
5 Alexandra Joy Bonney “Genome sequencing and annotation of Pseudomonas veronii isolated from Oregon State University soil and 16S rRNA characterization of Corvallis, OR soil microbial populations” College of ScienceDepartment of Microbiology Walt Ream
6 Timothy Michael Chase “The Development of Music Notation:  Notational Practices of the Middle Ages and How They Reveal a Changing Philosophy of Music” College of Liberal Arts School of Arts & Communications Julia Goodwin
7 Peter Killgore “The Fano Plane as an Octonionic Multiplication Table” College of Science
Tevian Dray
8 Hannah Whitley “Support for Capital Punishment:  The Role of Parenthood and Suburbanism in Death Penalty Opinions” College of Liberal Arts, School of Public Policy
Sociology Program
Mark Edwards
9 Alyssa Beamer “Artistic Engineering” College of Liberal Arts
School of Writing, Literature, and Film
Steve Kunert
10 B. Lauren Stoneburner “Aimee Semple McPherson and Writing the Faith into the Modern World” College of Liberal Arts School of History, Philosophy, and Religion Courtney Campbell
11 Kodasha M. Thomas “Targeted Intervention to Reduce HIV Transmission-Atlanta, GA” College of Public Health and Human Sciences, School of Social and Behavioral Health Sciences Joseph A. Catania
12 Christopher J. Ratcliff “Carbon Isotopes Show Snowpack Acts as a Valuable Moisture Subsidy to Mountain Forests in the Oregon Cascades” College of Agricultural Science, BioResource Research Katharine G. Field
13 Amanda Leahy “Textile and Apparel Marketing Plan” College of Business, School of Design and Human Environment Tsun-Yin (Tracie) Tung
14 Emily Kolodzy “Textile and Apparel Marketing Plan” College of Business, School of Design and Human Environment Tsun-Yin (Tracie) Tung
15 Zoe Chrisman-Miller “The Effects of Adult Attachment on Exercise” College of Liberal Arts, School of Psychological Sciences Mei Lien
16 Emily Jackson   “The Geologic Setting,History, Hazards, andMitigation of the MountYake-Dake Volcano on Honshu Island, Japan” College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, School of Geosciences Anita Grunder
17 Michael Perlin “Optimizing Monte Carlo   simulation of the square-well fluid” College of Science, Department of Physics Janet Tate
18 Jessica Cesar “Fighting for Fruit:  IPM Strategies for Drosophila suzukii in Blueberry and Raspberry Production” College of Agricultural Science, Department of Crop and Soil Science Jennifer Parke
19 Claire Osterag-Hill “Differentiation of BHV-1 Isolates from Vaccine Virus by High-Resolution Melting Analysis and An Examination of the Interface Between Culture and the Global Prevalence of HSV-2″ University Honors College Ling Jin
20 Alyssa Ekdahl “Ion Exchange System for Strontium Removal” College of Engineering, Chemical Engineering Philip Harding
21 Sarah Seals “Ion Exchange System for Strontium Removal” College of Engineering, Biological Engineering Philip Harding
22 Jana Otero “Ion Exchange System for Strontium Removal” College of Engineering, Environmental Engineering Philip Harding
23 Jordon Walker “Pragmatism, Walt Whitman, and Understanding Liberal Arts, Cascades James Foster

Writing Advice from WIC Culture of Writing Award Winners

The 2015 WIC Culture of Writing Award winners were asked to give writing advice for students in their respective majors and disciplines. Here is what they had to say:

Peter Kilgore, Mathematics:

“If you are going to be writing mathematics, take the time to learn LaTeX; it will make the project much easier and gives a nice professional look to your work. When it comes to getting your ideas on paper, make an outline! It doesn’t have to be super detailed, but this helps develop a nice flow within your paper. Above all, be clear and concise. Mathematical writing must be exact and precise without getting bogged down in superfluous verbiage. Say exactly what you mean in as few words as possible. I think these are the basis for writing a good mathematical paper.”

Tim Chase, Music:

“It’s most important when selecting a topic to choose a subject that interests you most. I suggest taking the one or two aspects of first term Music History that you found the most fascinating and stick with them, even if a thesis statement doesn’t come right away. When I chose to write about music notation, I cycled through different thesis statements multiple times a week until I found one that fit. So my best advice is to choose something, however broad, that makes you curious and excited, and then simply read everything you can. An arguable thesis will come, and then your research will be driven by interest and fascination as well as a deadline.”

Hannah Whitley, Sociology:  

“I think that writing for sociology requires a delicate, yet necessary balance; not only do individuals need to know the tools necessary for writing in the humanities, but there is also the required scientific component when it comes to quantitative and result analysis. I feel like many writers are either comfortable with ONLY writing for science or ONLY writing for humanities, which is why writing for social science has traditionally been so daunting.

“My biggest piece of advice is to acknowledge that (as with any research paper), your process is going to take time. We have always been told to not procrastinate and not leave assignments until the last minute, but in writing major sociological research papers, this piece of advice is a big deal. In order to communicate your ideas effectively, while simultaneously weaving through the humanities/scientific writing maze, make sure to set aside enough time to simply write. I feel like a lot of students struggle with underestimating how long something will take them to write, which is why this is a very important piece of advice! Also, never overlook the power of a second opinion. I like to make sure that all my major papers are seen by a minimum of three other people. This way, I can see if my ideas are communicated effectively and clearly.”

K. C. Clay, History:

“Unless it is a direct quote, every citation should have at least two sources. Other scholars might disagree with your argument or your interpretation, but your facts will be fixed.”

Brittany Stoneburner, Religious Studies:

“Work hard. Don’t just write for the class or a good grade. Seek out your Professors. They will bring out the best in you. Above all else – be creative and have fun.”

 Kodasha Thomas, Public Health:

“The primary advice I have for other writers in the Public Health major is: Write about your passions and what interests you! Don’t hold back from experiencing different types of writing that you aren’t used to. And remember, writing is a process, so be patient with your work!”

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20 thoughts on “The Annual WIC Culture of Writing Awards in the Disciplines

  1. Amazing humour: “I think that writing for sociology requires a delicate, yet necessary balance; not only do individuals need to know the tools necessary for writing in the humanities, but there is also the required scientific component when it comes to quantitative and result analysis. I feel like many writers are either comfortable with ONLY writing for science or ONLY writing for humanities, which is why writing for social science has traditionally been so daunting.

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  3. I think that writing for sociology requires a delicate, yet necessary balance; not only do individuals need to know the tools necessary for writing in the humanities, but there is also the required scientific component when it comes to quantitative and result analysis.

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  9. Congratulations to the WIC Culture of Writing Award winners! The diverse range of topics reflects interdisciplinary excellence. Practical advice from winners, like Peter Kilgore and Hannah Whitley, adds value. Kudos to all involved for fostering writing excellence. As we celebrate these achievements, let’s also acknowledge the importance of continuous improvement, much like the evolving landscape of fire kirin games in the gaming industry.

  10. The WIC Culture of Writing Award, fostering excellence in undergraduate writing since 2006, showcases 16 awardees this year, highlighting dedication across disciplines. Past winners, including Peter Kilgore (Mathematics), Tim Chase (Music), Hannah Whitley (Sociology), K. C. Clay (History), Brittany Stoneburner (Religious Studies), and Kodasha Thomas (Public Health), offer invaluable advice. Congratulations to this year’s winners, inspiring future writers. Additionally, the fundraising team plays a crucial role in supporting this initiative.

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