
When To Know If The IT Support Is The One For Your Business

The popularity of managed services among businesses of all sizes is growing. The managed IT support industry is expected to exceed $200 billion by 2020. More and more companies understand the benefits of outsourcing their IT-related affairs to experts.

Managed IT support has come a long way from the standard break-fix model to proactive maintenance and support. Without an IT expert on the team, the business is unlikely to achieve great heights.

Are you ready to consider managed IT support? Do you wonder if it’s the right solution for your business? Here are a few reasons to help you make a decision.

1. Your Company Experienced Downtime

Whatever business you are in, you need a computer network to work flawlessly. If you don’t have proper IT support, each breakdown leads to downtime. Even if you have a couple of IT industry experts on your team, it’s unlikely that they can deal with a variety of problems you face today and will face in the future.

If you want to minimize downtime without maximizing the budget, it’s time to consider managed IT support.

2. You Have A Small IT Team

IT departments vary in size, depending on the company’s budget. More often than not, a small or even medium-sized business doesn’t have enough people on the IT team. This leads to improper data security, frequent breakdowns, lack of support, and loss of profit.

If you feel that you need to have more IT specialists on your team but the budget of the company doesn’t allow you to hire them, consider managed IT services. Experts point out that the majority of businesses don’t have enough employees in the IT department. Unfortunately, many of them don’t realize it until a significant problem occurs.

3. Your Company Is Growing

As your company grows and develops, so should your IT department. Hiring new specialists or providing training options for your existing employees is a way out. However, doing it on a regular basis may be costly.

With managed IT support, you get an opportunity to work with highly qualified IT specialists, who are always ready to give your company the services it needs regardless of the size.

4. Your Company Needs a Push Forward

If you feel as if you are falling behind the competition while doing everything in your power to stay afloat, you may not be taking full advantage of the latest technologies. Managed IT support specialists offer proactive support to your company, helping you make a big step forward.

In the 21st century, it’s tough to be on top of your game without keeping tabs on the technological innovations in the IT realm. You need an expert, who is ready to dedicate sufficient time to monitoring the possibilities and offering new solutions to old problems.

5. Your Company Has Security Flaws

Bad security is one of the top reasons business owners consider managed IT services. Sixty percent of companies go out of business within 6 months after a serious data loss. If you suspect that your IT team is not doing everything possible to provide all-encompassing security for your data, it’s time to get help.

From antivirus software installation to 24/7 monitoring, managed IT specialists could keep your data safer than your in-house team can.

6. You Need To Cut Costs

Are you spending too much money on your IT department? Cost cutting is one of the top reasons why businesses of all sizes opt for managed IT support services.  You can get top-notch services from a variety of specialists at a price, which is much lower than you pay your in-house team.

Did one of these reasons hit home? It’s time to consider managed IT support services.


The Dream Of Home Ownership: Luxury Architecture In Phuket

Ein Bild, das Baum, draußen, umgeben, Garten enthält.

Automatisch generierte Beschreibung

Source: The Only One Group _ High End Architecture & Real Estate  

In a fast changing world like the one we live in, security and the build up of some reserves are key to a balanced and sustainable existence. That is why more and more people return to investing into their own homes, some of which can be not only luxurious and spacious but also on the other side of the planet. 

Thailand and south-east Asia in general are very popular amongst the dreamers. The exotic and sunny country has a lot to offer and convinces not only with its amazing beaches, the tropical landscape and the extraordinary cuisine but also with its architecture. An experienced and renowned architect in Phuket Thailand for instance is highly recommended among those who are looking for luxury and comfort. While the neighbouring countries are known for their great cuisine, hotels and beaches as well, the most interesting luxury high end architecture in southeast asia is to be found in Phuket. Besides ambitious and visionary designs, a landscape architect has an important role as well, when it comes to sustainable development of luxury real estate. But where does the desire of becoming a homeowner come from and what exactly makes the architecture of Phuket so special? We have the answers for you!

Dreaming of home ownership

In times of change, when the world transforms and a new chapter of history begins, a lot of chaos occurs and muddles up the lives of the people who have the pleasure to live in such a generation. In such confusing times people are searching for especially one thing: security. Creating or improving security means the establishment of a situation in which the individual, the group or the company are better protected and have bigger reserves to cover them in any case. There are many ways of creating security and some people that suddenly appear at your doorstep on a peaceful Saturday morning might even offer to help you improve the security in your life, some of which later appear to be an actual threat to your security. It may be better to try to find a way to create your own security and even if you need some consultation which may influence your decision of what way you choose to protect yourself, finding your own way will feel better. 

One of the most popular ways to improve financial security is to invest into real estate. Buying or even building a house or an apartment for yourself and your family will set you free from rent, in the best case ensure you a steady worth of the property and has the charming side effect that your children will profit as well when they are older. While it is absolutely common in many cultures to purchase or own a property and pass it through the generations, owning a house became something for the rich in the western world. 

Most of the people can not or do not want to afford their own property, even if it means better security, and prefer to rent. If the decision is made to buy an own home the question of where the home will be is of great importance. While some may prefer to settle down in their lovely hometown and enjoy the beauty of Oregon, others yearn for something different, something more exotic, warm and paradisaical than Chicago for instance. 

That is why many of the ones who can afford it look for interesting places abroad and often stumble upon the breathtaking architecture Thailand and especially Phuket has to offer.

The coastline of Phuket and its breathtaking luxury architecture

Of course, most of the business professionals are dependent on being close to big cities like Hong Kong, Moscow, London, Dubai, or New York and involuntarily spend their lives in the dusty metropoles. But as the world has changed, so has business and many people are able to make or sustain great amounts of money comfortably from home independent from any location on the planet. That is why many of the wealthy ones choose the paradise of the southeast Asian riviera and invest millions in real estate at Thailand’s coastline rather than buying expensive and small apartments in Manhattan.

Without any doubt the scenery of Phuket alone is absolutely magnificent, lined with palm trees, coconuts, white beaches, and blessed with tropical temperatures, the villas and mansions the developers create in this scenery are even more extraordinary. Whether a decent apartment with a pool on the rooftop or a full grown 1000 square meter mansion with its own helipad, whether investors are a young ambitious couple with kids or an old hand of the business sector wanting to enjoy his retirement, the real estate sector of Phuket offers everything. We advise you to contact a leading and renown real estate agent in Phuket Thailand, if you are looking into some land or buying a Luxury Villa. 

The beautiful environment and great amount of visitors and popularity Phuket has gained over the years has attracted many visionary architects from Thailand and elsewhere who are known to develop brave and ambitious projects of extraordinary beauty. Villas around the Andaman Sea on the head of Kamala may connect different buildings with each other on more than 3600 sqm land. Such a property often consists of a dining area, a gourmet kitchen, a spa massage room and of course an infinity pool all with an absolutely breathtaking view on the turquoise sea from the fruitful green hills.

The art of landscape architecture in the luxury real estates of Thailand

To develop such ambitious and modern projects along the hilly and wild coastline of Thailand’s Phuket it often needs more than just contemporary design. Creating an individual and luxurious villa in the hills without hurting the vital ecosystems of the environment requires contemporary thinking. Besides designing the building itself, the implementation of the project into the surrounding is extremely important. That is why landscape architecture plays an important role when it comes to developing luxury real estate in Thailand.

Especially the individual and unique projects are the ones which need to blend in with the coastline rather than sticking out. Sustainability and the implementation of environmentally friendly solutions are often required as well as many investors are specifically asking for it. 

In fact, Thailand is one of the pioneers in matters of environmentally friendly and sustainable development of real estate in the entire south-east Asia.


6 Ways Gen-Z is Changing The Way People Shop

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

If you’re like most people, you probably think that all of the Gen-Zers are still in middle school or high school and their purchasing power isn’t anything to worry about just yet. It turns out, however, that Gen-Zers are having a profound effect on how people shop, regardless of whether they are teenagers or in their early 20s. This can be easily noted by checking any Gen-Z shopping statistics. And given that Gen-Z has been called the “me, me, me” generation, it’s not surprising that these young adults have drastically different shopping habits than their predecessors.

6 Ways Gen-Z is Changing the Way People Show

1) Shopping Online

About 23% of Gen Z consumers prefer to shop online versus in stores, whereas only 15% of millennials said they preferred to shop online. Gen Zers are likely to have grown up with smartphones and have been using them from a young age. They’re also heavy users of social media and have become used to purchasing items on their phones. As a result, they’re more comfortable buying online than millennials are. In fact, 64% of Gen Z shoppers say that shopping online is easier than going to a store. This can be attributed to an overall increase in digital savvy among younger generations; as people get older, they become less comfortable with technology. So while it might seem like millennials are ahead when it comes to tech use—for example, about 45% use voice search daily compared to about 20% of baby boomers—it’s important not to underestimate how quickly younger generations can adapt and learn new technologies.

2) Social Media

This age group was born into a world of social media and their preferences reflect that. Certain surveys have shown that 90% of Generation Z respondents would be more likely to make a purchase from a company whose product they saw on Instagram. Additionally, 76% said they would not even consider buying an item without looking at its reviews first. In order to appeal to Gen Z shoppers, companies will need to put content out there in relevant places like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest—not just Instagram. It’s also important for brands to include visuals in their social media campaigns as these days Gen Z shoppers are accustomed to looking at pictures before making a decision about whether or not they want something. Moreover, Gen-Z is now even buying directly from social media, leading to the rise of social commerce.

4) Influencers

In a recent survey, 96% of Gen Z respondents said they would consider buying products or services if an influencer recommended them. That’s why it’s more important than ever to find young, influential people who can promote your brand and help you reach Gen Z shoppers. Knowing what motivates young shoppers will help you make better partnerships with influencers and create more effective marketing campaigns for your business. For example, 73% of Gen Zers say that quality content is one of their top considerations when deciding whether to purchase something online. A good way to appeal to these shoppers might be providing high-quality content on your website or social media pages that helps customers learn about your products and services before making a purchase decision.

5) Brands & Advertising

Though there are many different ways brands are connecting with Gen Z, one thing is clear: they’re trying to connect with them in a way that feels genuine. Instead of saturating their feeds with products or advertisements, brands like Nestle Purina Petcare and Sizzle have created engaging content that appeals to these consumers – whether it’s about making people laugh, challenging them to learn more about something new, or even just providing entertainment without an ulterior motive. The bottom line? It’s not enough for brands to simply post what they want anymore; if you want to be successful, you need to create real connections.

6) Retail Stores

This generation has been raised in a world of technology and instant gratification. We are accustomed to online shopping where we can order something in minutes and get it delivered just as fast. Traditional brick and mortar stores will have to adapt or they will lose out on revenue. 


The Best Drinks To Have With Your Meal – How To Pick The Right Drink?

You may be already aware of the fact that a shortage of fluid can lead to dehydration in your body. People who do not consume enough liquid in a day are likely to experience poor skin conditions, joint pain, loss of concentration, and headaches. Doctors advise drinking almost 2 liters of fluid a day; the quantity can be more when you spend time on exercises or live in very hot weather. 

Soft drinks are one of the best choices to maintain the routine liquid requirement of the body. As we often get bored drinking plain water, the unique flavors of soft drinks can help to achieve the daily targets with ease. The best part is that you can easily find many sugar-free, low-calorie soft drink recipes to maintain your overall health. 

For most people, one of the biggest concerns is to find the best pairing of drinks with the meal. As doctors often alert people to avoid wrong combinations of drink and meal; it is a matter of debate for health-conscious people. Well, if you go ahead with a thoughtful pairing of drinks and meals, it can enhance the flavor of your meals. Moreover, your guests will definitely appreciate your creativity to present a healthy and delicious solution at the dinner table.

Tips to pick the right drink with your meals: 

Before we talk about the best drinks that you can pair with meals, let us first go through some tips from experts to choose the right drink with meals:

Tip 1: Contrast and complement

The first thing that demands your attention is the contrast and complement of the meal and drink. When we talk about contrast, it means choosing a drink that possesses the same characteristics as that of the flavor of the food being served. Although too much contrast can overpower one element over another; it is good to maintain a little bit of contrast to make everything appear good on the tongue. The widely used method for this selection is mirroring where we choose a drink that maintains continuity with food so that they both can shine together. For instance, you would love to have smoky flavored meat with a woody and smoky flavored spirit. 

Tip 2: Strength and acidity

As per the medical health experts, acidity and strength are two important factors that must be taken care of while pairing drinks and food. In ideal conditions, the acid level in drinks and meals must be comparable. None of these should overpower others. Acidity is capable enough to contrast food richness. For instance, a few drops of lemon can help you digest a plate of delicious fried shrimp. Similarly, you should look after the strength of the drink and meal to ensure a balancing effect on the body. This is why experts warn people from drinking harsh cold drinks with food.

Tip 3: Consider body

When you are planning to pair beverages with a meal, it is important to care for the flavor as well as mouthfeel. Note that apple juice leads to a completely different impact than tomato juice, which further has a different body than seltzer. When you are looking for a good dinner, full-bodied drinks must be kept for the end. Although the flavor and pairing preferences are completely personal, it is important to ensure that they both share a good relationship because it will have a direct effect on your body. 

Now you have gone through the essential tips to select the best meal-drink pairing, it is the right time to talk about the best beverage choices that you can enjoy at the dinner table.

Best Drinks to Have with your Meal:

When you are looking for some attractive ideas to create the best meal-drink pairing, the list below may help you better. Here we have provided some alcohol-free, healthy and delicious beverage options to help you create perfect vibes in the upcoming get-together:

  • Fruit coolers

When you are looking for something refreshing and simple for the first party of the summer season, the raspberry and goji berry cooler can serve your needs better. It contains the perfect mixture of goji berries, raspberries along with the sharp tangy flavor of ginger and a little pinch of sweet honey. You can also create a citrus peach cooler as per your choice by mixing some seasonal fruits like clementines, pomelo, grapefruit, and oranges. 

  • Elderflower cordial

Why not create a simple blend of elderflower cordial with fresh mint, apple juice, and soda at home. You can even mix different types of soda in this beverage to create unique flavors. Other than this, people also like some seasonal cordial flavors such as raspberry cordial, rosehip cordial, blackcurrant cordial, and rhubarb cordial. The homemade cordial can be a perfect choice for your family dinner. 

  • Iced tea

It is possible to add amazing versatility to tea; that is why it is a timeless and most admired solution for all parties. Here we are going to talk about iced tea which is the coolest choice to beat the summer heat. You can prepare this tea with a subtle mixture of mint, lemons, and oranges. Many people even experiment with the flavor with some other seasonal fruits. You can also think of preparing peach iced tea, vanilla iced tea, golden pineapple tea, or mango iced tea at home. 

  • Smoothies

When you are willing to improve your vitamin intake, it is the right time to prepare a fruit-based smoothie. You can check the recipes from some expert chefs online to prepare a healthy smoothie with ingredients that are already available at your home. Don’t forget to add the unique flavoring of spice and peanut butter into it. If you have virtuous preferences, try to add some vegetables such as kale to achieve the desired taste. You may also love the delicious flavors of pineapple juice, creamy avocado, and lime with a meal.

Now you have gone through some trusted tricks and techniques to pair up beverages with a meal, without even causing harm to your body. It is the right time to throw a party at home and impress the guests with your creative flavoring ideas. 


Interest In Understanding The US ESTA System Surges Again

Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

The rise and ongoing advancement and enhancement of digitalisation has resulted in a modern world that is far more intrinsically focused on the innovations and convenience and efficiency and made possible through rapid digitalisation in all of its forms. In what seems like no time at all we have seen a global shift in the way that we approach and understand digitalisation and technological implementation as well as a shift in the way that we are willing to compromise and work on motivations for understanding and powering forward a better future.

In the last few years, we have found ourselves in a position where for the most part we have had to come to a screeching halt in terms of the way that we have navigated it and how we our lives for quite some time now. Finally, it seems that the ship is beginning to write and what we are seeing is that we’re shifting into a whole new era where innovation is more important than ever before and where inclination towards living a more meaningful and sustainable life is allowing us to become bolder and smarter in every aspect of our lives. Including of course travel.

The buzz surrounding international travel ignites once again

There is quite a lot of buzz surrounding the steady revival of the travel industry. Around the world, there has been a distinct focus on how to bring back travel in a way that was meaningful and sustainable as well as one that shifted into a healthier and more positive direction following a significant pause in the industry for the last two years. Now, the buzz surrounding international travelers is igniting once again and individuals are finding themselves empowered and inspired to explore more of the world than I have been able to in quite some time.

Interest in understanding the US ESTA system surges again

In so many different parts of the world, there are different structures and requirements associated with  entry and exit into different countries. And one of the biggest places that is at the top of people’s list to see until experience for themselves is the United States. Today, interest in understanding the United States travel culture as well as the ESTA system is surging once again.  And now that international travel is finally back on the cards for the world, the interest on investment in pursuing the ESTA process is bigger than it has been in quite some time.

Why this is expected to be just the tip of the iceberg

While there is quite a lot of attention to detail and overall emphasis surrounding the ESTA process, there is even more interested investment in consistently working towards further understanding it for the future. this is an inclination towards representing an understanding of motivations and ideologies as well as figuring out how to be able to make the most of the process in the healthiest way possible. To learn more about the shifting ideologies surrounding not just the US ESTA process but travel requirements in general, you can reach out to industry professionals or simply check here to learn more in real time.


Fun Part Time Jobs That Doesn’t Feel Like Working

Being able to make money out of something that you enjoy doing is definitely an option you should explore if you’re trying to have a side income. Jobs don’t always have to be taxing or mentally challenging. The character of “Joker” in The Dark Knight said, “If you are good at something, never do it for free” and that is a statement worth living by. If you have a hobby or skill that you enjoy and do a lot, you may be able to turn it into a side gig and have a second source of income. 

Here are some part time jobs that come with flexible schedules and a dash of fun:

Pet-boarding or dog-walking

This is a great option for animal lovers and especially if you live in a neighborhood that has dogs. You’re probably already well acquainted with the neighborhood dogs, so you can start by offering your services to the ones you are most comfortable with. As you gain confidence and a reputation for being a good dog-sitter, you can expand and turn it into a part time job! Pet sitters can earn a decent wage. Of course it takes some work to make sure the dogs are fed, watered, and exercised, but if you already love spending time with dogs, it shouldn’t be too tedious of a job for you. If you are looking to get a dog for yourself eventually, this is a great way to test the waters and see what taking care of a pet is really like. Additionally, studies have shown that people with pets, especially dogs, live longer and have higher levels of serotonin!

Explore your city by becoming a rideshare driver

If, like me, you love driving, this is the perfect job for you. I sometimes find myself driving around town with the windows down, listening to some music, and really enjoying myself! If this sounds like you, sign up with rideshare apps like Uber or Lyft. Since you can set your own schedule, you can even make some extra cash going to and from your regular day job. The job comes with small requirements like owning your own vehicle and having a good driving record, but outside of those needs, the companies don’t require much more. As a rideshare driver, you get to meet lots of new people. This could sound a bit off-putting to some of you out there – after all, sometimes we need a good drive in order to collect some alone time. If that’s the case, you’re still in luck. These platforms, along with many others, offer jobs for deliveries that you can sign up for which can incorporate driving, alone time, and some extra cash. 

Are you a social media aficionado? You might want to become a social media manager

In a world where everyone is on social media, making regular posts is necessary in order to stay on top of the game. More and more companies are using social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc., to market their products and services. This is a fun and important job that requires someone youthful to be in charge of it. Making daily content and posts can be entertaining if you’re already good at it and you can actually make a career out of it eventually! Startups are always looking for people to work part time as social media coordinators. Having this job on the side can enhance your networking skills as well. And, you can work as an independent contractor which gives you the liberty to set your own schedule and work from the comfort of your home most of the time. 

Good at art? There’s a lot to explore in this area.

If you’re good at painting, you can offer your skills to new homeowners or new parents who are looking to paint a room or wall with specific designs. If you’re good at nail art, you can apply to local nail salons and become a nail technician. Not only do you create cool designs, you also get tipped really well by customers. Speaking from experience, once a customer starts getting their nails done professionally. It is hard to stop. You’ll notice that you have some regular customers eventually. Part time art jobs offer a variety of spaces where you can find your standing. And if you cannot find an establishment that includes your skills, you can always start your own business. You can sell paintings, wall hangings, henna services, icing skills for graphic cakes, and so much more!

Having multiple sources of income is highly beneficial especially if you’re young and have just started out with your career. Sometimes it can be difficult and time-consuming to find a career that you truly enjoy, so until you find your dream job, monetizing your hobby or interests is always a good idea. Aside from the above-mentioned skills and hobbies, you can also benefit from partnering with other platforms to publicize your talent. If you’re a good singer, you can post Youtube videos of your songs or upload them on Spotify and/or SoundHound. If you like making dance videos, TikTok is a fantastic way to grow your following as a dancer which will lead to partnerships and other benefits that can eventually lead to an earning. So, don’t let your skills and talent stay hidden, explore your options and find what the best way to earn a side income for you is. Below is a poll for people who were asked why they have a “side hustle” and contrary to popular belief – which is “to make ends meet” – more people voted that they prefer to have a side hustle. Why? Because it is a great way to put your skills, hobbies, passions and extra time to good use by having fun!

However, if you are looking for part time jobs within an establishment, Gigzio gives you some great choices, because they are located near you and you can filter out the jobs that don’t interest you. 


6 Understated but Classy Ideas for Your Engagement


Proposing is a big moment in both of your lives, and there are a million films and friends out there to show you how it could be done. But what if your partner is more of an understated, classy type of person? Here’s how to get engaged in a way that suits your personalities.

Huge romantic gestures with hundreds of onlookers might be what some people want, but to other people, this would be their worst nightmare. Bigger isn’t always necessarily better, and knowing your partner and respecting their personality is the first rule to giving them an engagement they will love. And remember that even if you are the all-out grand gesture type of person – but your partner isn’t – this is not your moment. It’s the moment you want to give to them.

While knowing your partner is the first step towards getting engaged in the style they will want, you’ll need to do a lot more planning to arrange something that will tick all their boxes. Here are some ideas to help get you started. 

1. Under The Stars

If an understated but perfectly romantic engagement is the aim, then plan an engagement in the great outdoors. This way you won’t risk being in a restaurant or venue full of curious onlookers, and you can have the moment to yourselves. Just because your partner probably doesn’t want dozens of people watching doesn’t mean you can’t draft in some help. Hiring a chef and waiter to cook and serve you a meal from an Airstream trailer somewhere underneath the stars could be the perfect understated surprise.

2. Get A Custom Ring

Something your partner will really appreciate when you propose to them is if you have got a custom ring made for them. Custom engagement rings mean your very own personalities are infused into the design, and you can have an input into everything from the exact diamond you buy, to the intricate design of the ring itself. Adding a personalized inscription is a final touch that many people truly appreciate. 

3. Organize A Perfect Day

If you’re planning to propose to your loved one in the evening, you could plan their idea of the perfect day beforehand. This doesn’t mean doing all the action sports they have ever wanted to do, but instead all the things you know you both really enjoy doing as a couple. Grab some ingredients from the farmer’s market and cook a lazy brunch together, go for a long walk in scenery you love, and sit outside with a glass of wine before you get ready to go out in the evening. Put your own stamp on it and make it your perfect day. When you look back on the day as a couple, your loved one will realize how much thought you put into making it just right.

4. Do It In A Book

If your partner loves to read real books, this can be a perfectly understated tool to use to help you propose. Replace the bookmark with your own bespoke bookmark with a handwritten note on it. It could say ‘marry me?’ or it could be a message inviting her to come and join you outdoors for a moment. If you’re waiting with the champagne and a ring box, it will be a wonderful surprise at a usually very normal part of the day. You could apply this concept to anything if your other half is not into books. For example, you could put a note by the coffee machine in the morning to create a similar scene.

5. Book A Manicure

One very simple way to prepare your loved one for an engagement is to book them a surprise manicure during the day. If you don’t want them to catch on that you might be popping the question later, say you won it as a prize in a raffle at work! Then when you propose later, perfect nails will be in place for the first photos of the engagement ring. It’s a small detail that the classier type of person will really enjoy.

6. Get Up High

While a hot air balloon proposal might be a bit overblown for your loved one, and popping the question at the top of a popular skyscraper might be too public, it is still possible to propose at a height. People tend to get a soaring feeling of freedom and happiness when they are higher than usual, making it a great option for proposing. Simply find an alternative spot that offers a little more privacy. For example, proposing on a Ferris wheel at a fairground in the middle of the day when not many people are around is a totally unexpected way for it to happen. You’ll enjoy your own private moment and the views, yet when you get off at the end of the ride, you’ll hopefully be an engaged couple.


How to Choose The Best Mobile App Development Company in 2021 (7 tips)?

Not much has changed in 2021 when it comes to choosing mobile app development companies.

Except only for the headache, which has just grown over a couple of thousand times.. (1)

(with many new app development companies coming into reality). 😉

That’s right!

The little virus has pushed for many start-ups, and there seems to be no dearth of mobile app development companies in 2021— which only toughens your task.

But let’s make everything brief for you.

If you’re going to pick one of the companies for you— they should have:

  • brilliant developing minds who can take on your projects, head on
  • collaborative skills and ability to give input during the development phase
  • problem-solving and improvisation skills for your business
  • enough experience to deal with the latest technology stack

Besides this, you can look for these qualities in top mobile app development companies:

  • broader perspective
  • fantastic analytical skills
  • excellent UI/UX skills

And they should also have fulfilling factors such as:

  • reputation
  • loyalty
  • hard work
  • trust

Now that you know a few essential qualities…

H2 Let’s choose the best mobile app development companies for your business in 2021

So here we hop on the tips (in no particular order)

H3 Tip #1 Start with crazy searches

You’re the think tank of your business.

There’s literally no one who knows your business more than you.

So it’s justifiable that you start with the best research from your end.

You role-play as Google.

You crawl around the internet to look for the ideal profile that suits your needs.

You get yourself the most relevant results.

Don’t worry! It’s not that tough.

You can find the concise list through

  • social media
  • references
  • search engines

H4 Things you want to consider to make the list

  • The geographic location
  • The brand recognition
  • The pricing structure
  • Customer reviews and feedback
  • Social presence
  • Cost variability based on location

H3 Tip #2 Dive deeper into their portfolios

We’re assuming you’ve searched for the targeted companies.

Now fasten your belt to separate the wheat from the chaff!

All you need to do is to hunt for the best portfolio.

How does it help?

Well, portfolio gives you insight on:

  • Their technical expertise
  • Business domain
  • Project theme
  • Previous projects
  • Client testimonials

H4 Things you’d want to ask yourself:

  • Does their mobile app development portfolio fit your vibe?
  • Do you like their app designing style?

H4 Things you’d want to ask them:

  • What’s their app build process?
  • Do they have experience on similar projects in the past?
  • Can they have words with their past clients?
  • Do they maintain the app after it’s completed?
  • Do they give a round of edits or revisions when needed?
  • Will you have hands over the original files?

H3 Tip #3 Look for happy clients

No one answers your mobile app development queries better than happy (and, of course, some sad clients).

Not a huge secret, but they’ve been in your place once.

They know if the company stood by their words.

So you can ask for client contact directly with soft requests like…

“Hey, we really liked your portfolio and it would be great to partner with you. But do you mind passing some of the contacts to affirm our stand?”

You’re basically looking into the existing projects and technologies of your selected company.

H4 Why client testimonial is important

  • Clients naturally trust each other
  • They’re more trustable than marketing collateral
  • They add more weight to the decision making
  • You’ve everything right in front of your eyes

H3 Tip #4 Test their apps

There’s not much difference between a car and an app.

You would definitely go for a test drive before getting yourself a car.

Won’t you?

You have to do pretty much the same with mobile apps.

Ask them to “test drive” their past apps.

Should you need more clarity on mobile apps— you can deploy the app to your end-users too.

How would that help?

  • It’s like a usability test even before spending your money on a personal app.
  • You get a lot of helpful insight for the upcoming app.
  • You can spend a couple of days sorting out the do’s and don’ts for your website.

H3 Tip #5 Check out their transparency policy

Another essential aspect that you need to clarify with the company:

  • Product development cycle
  • Transparency policy

Product development cycle will:

  • guide your business as it moves ahead from one stage to another
  • outline the stages the app will pass

Transparency policy will clear if the mobile app development company

  • is serious with the feedback loop,
  • takes prompt actions for error,
  • changes the requests

It would be great if you also went with the company that’s willing to go with the agile methodology of project management. (2)

Agile methodology

  • keeps all the information at different stages of the development in check
  • helps faster development
  • promotes transparent communication

Your selected pick should have a transparent communication system so that the project never runs out of your sight.

Get into a daily or weekly status report to keep yourself updated about the work done.

H3 Tip #6 See if they meet your budget

Now we are talking business!

The most crucial factor for choosing mobile app development companies would be the budget.

You’re looking for the company that fixes the budget puzzle.

Go a bit flexible if:

  • there’s a sense of complexity in your project
  • the overall period is uncertain

You also have to keep several factors in mind that can affect the budget of your project:

  • Who’s going to handle your project— a freelancer or company?
  • What’s your pick— hybrid or native app?
  • What platform do you need the app for— iOS or android?
  • What’re the functionalities you’re rooting for in your app?
  • What’s the level of app security?
  • Where is development happening, geographically?

If you already own a mobile application— a credible company would give an honest recommendation on whether

  • you need a new application
  • Or a bit of tweak can fix your problems

Even if they want to have a new application developed for you, ask them three good reasons why they can’t fix the old app!

Let there be a flow of organic trust with your development company.

H3 Tip #7 Don’t settle on bad or mediocre maintenance

Since apps need constant updates and bug fixes, chances are high you’re never settling for bad or mediocre maintenance companies.

You can either:

  • Choose a company with short-maintenance commitment (for a few days or months after the app deployment)
  • Or you can sign a long term agreement for support

Depending on how early you want issues to be solved— you can have clarity about it.

So you’d like to partner with a web development company interested in your overall business more than just creating the app.

It’s the company’s interest in your business that shall guide the mobile app development with ease.

H2 The conclusive argument

Picking the perfect mobile app development companies is not rocket science.

But if you walk over these easy tips, things may get a little dicey for you.

Since you’re investing a lot of money and time, there’s no reason why you wouldn’t want to make an informed decision.



Author Bio: Brijesh Jakharia

Brijesh Jakharia co-founded SPINX Digital in 2005 and takes great pride in crafting web and mobile marketing solutions for mid-market businesses to enterprises. Marketing is his passion and the thrill to build a brand from the ground up has helped him craft successful brand stories for world-class clients. While not at work, he loves to spend his time on research and reading digital content stories.


Top Cryptocurrency Trends in 2022-2025

The world of cryptocurrencies peaked last year. The total market cap of digital currencies is now over $1.6 trillion. And it is estimated that there are over 300 million crypto users around the world.

In this new report, we share the biggest trends in the crypto space right now (2022). And will probably continue in 2025 and beyond.

Institution Adopting Cryptocurrency Ecosystem

Nowhere is this more evident than in the money management industry.

By the end of 2020, $15 billion of corporate assets had been allocated to the cryptographic asset class under management. This is compared to $2 billion at the end of 2019.

Additionally, the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (the way many institutions may be exposed to bitcoin) saw a 900% increase in assets in 2020. While this figure is still small compared to the wealth management industry in general, regulatory clarity could strengthen this figure in the future.

Until then, companies like MassMutual will help expedite the transfer. Crucial financial guardians make it easy for consumers to trade cryptocurrencies. Paypal and its subsidiary, Venmo, made crypto trading possible on their platform last year.

Data from PayPal shows that users who bought cryptocurrency with the Paypal app saw twice as many logins as before Paypal allowed these transactions. Additionally, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) introduced micro-Ethereum futures contracts in December 2021. CoinDesk also notes that the number of “Bitcoin Whales” (1,000+ Bitcoin addresses) has been growing rapidly since late 2020. 

More Use Cases Of Defi Power

In the last year, nothing more than the advent of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) applications has attracted the attention of the digital currency community. This concept basically encompasses traditional financial transactions that take place on the blockchain. These transactions are generally possible using smart contracts. And unlike traditional payments and transfers, you don’t need a financial intermediary. DeFi transactions generally range from traditional lending to derivatives generation. 

And the growth of the DeFi space is just beginning. DeFi Pulse reports that Total Value Locked (TVL), which measures the total value of cryptocurrencies covered by DeFi smart contracts, has risen from $2 billion to $15 billion in 2020.

And 2021 brought unprecedented growth. Since its launch last year, TVL has more than doubled to nearly $100 billion. One of the most popular DeFi applications these days is yield farming. Yield farming involves lending crypto assets to other platforms for interest or new cryptocurrencies. At first glance, income farming is very similar to digital banking.

Users deposit their crypto assets in a pool of funds and earn interest on those assets. Depositors are often deploying new crypto platforms. And in exchange for the liquidity they provide, they receive new crypto assets. In a low-interest-rate environment, yield farming platforms are gaining attention due to the high-interest rates they can offer to depositors.

NFTs Tokenize Everything

One of the most exciting advances in cryptography is the advent of irreplaceable tokens (NFT). These codes essentially represent a digital claim to something unique or an asset. The things they represent can be digital or physical. Token coins are not necessarily used to express complaints to all properties or physical things. You can be exchanged and can be divided into small pieces.

On the other hand, we represent the needs of things, such as domain names, physical or digital graphics, collector components, and video games. Generally, it was built-in ETH blocks, and most NFTs saw an intelligent agreement explaining digital or physical products representing.

And most of them are not divided into a finger token (even if they change). The segmentation of this market makes it difficult to estimate its overall size. However, you can get a general idea by looking at the individual NFT platforms. By some estimates, NFT sales in October 2021 are around $15 million.

However, this number could increase as the market capitalization of the Ethereum NFT sector increases from $3 million in January to $33 million.


This concludes our list of top crypto trends to watch right now. The cryptocurrency market has been almost completely unpredictable in recent years. Not only through new innovations (such as NFTs). But also due to the general volatility of the market with regular coins (such as Polkadot and Litecoin) and many altcoins (such as Dogecoin). It is certain that innovation will continue in this area.


Vehicle Shipping Advice For College Students

Image by Anastasia Gepp from Pixabay.

Worldwide, the car has allowed easier access to remote places. In fact, average journey times to regularly visited places have increased in large cities, as a result of widespread car adoptions. This is due to the increase in distance between home and work brought about by urban development and high standards of daily activities. 

When it comes to having a vehicle as a college student, there are several advantages to how it can positively affect the productivity and lifestyle of a student. 

First and foremost is the flexibility and freedom a car affords. Having a car in college can lead to some really fun times. Cross-country road trips in the summer, getaway weekends, and nights out on the town are all easier for students who bring a car to campus.

You’ll no longer be dependent on other drivers when you’re making plans.  And, of course, your commute to campus is likely to be a bit shorter; so hitting the snooze button a few times won’t ruin your morning.

Owning a car in college can help you make and save money. Since you can commute a little further, you’ll be able to consider a wider selection of off-campus jobs. And with all that carrying capacity, you can tackle a week’s worth of grocery shopping in a single day.

Hence, this article is set to give you basic tips and advice about how to ship a car from its destination to your campus easily and affordably – without stress! 

1. Don’t waste your time driving

Driving might be fun sometimes but when It comes to driving for a very long distance It is advisable to play it safe.

Driving your car from your home is advisable if your home is closer to your school. However, if your school is in another state or country, driving your car over is a lot of work and puts a lot of wear on your car. Hence, shipping your car saves you a lot of time and keeps your car in working condition.

2. Plan your shipment 

Your shipment process will be a success only if you plan ahead. If you’re shipping your car, plan the arrival date appropriately.

The time it takes to deliver a car depends largely on the distance the driver needs to travel. So, it’s best to ship your car to your school a few days early – but not too early since you must be at school to pick it up.

Don’t forget to contact the college about registering your vehicle for school parking! In most cases, they don’t need to see the vehicle – by knowing your VIN and ownership information, you may even be able to get this set up ahead of time.

3. Choose a shipping method that fit your budget 

As a student planning to ship your vehicle from point A to B, it’s important to know the different types of shipping options that are available in order to decide the cost-effective one that suits your budget. 

Below is the list of shipping methods available you can decide to choose anyone that goes well with your budget.

  • Door-to-door shipping or terminal-to-terminal: This service offers you convenience by having the driver come directly to your location, as long as conditions permit. If the driver cannot meet you at your door, then he will meet you at the closest retail parking lot.

However, the terminal-to-terminal option means you’ll have to drive your car to the auto transporter’s terminal and pick it up at the terminal in your new location too. Of course, this is cheaper than the door-to-door service. 

  • Open carrier transport:  This is one of the most budget-friendly options for shipping your car. It’s the most common transport option and also the most affordable. Several vehicles are transported at once, in an open truck – hence the reduced price.

In fact, with this option, it’s easy for college students to get car shipping carriers that offer cheap car shipping services, reliable logistics, and timely delivery. 

  • Enclosed auto transport: The enclosed shipping option is more expensive because the car receives a higher level of protection. The vehicle is not exposed to weather, environmental elements, or road hazards. In addition, a hydraulic lift system may be utilized to load and unload the car. Owners of luxury, classic and exotic vehicles tend to choose this service. However, this option is available to any customer regardless of the type of car you own.


You want to take care of your car because it has to last you the next four years. Driving a long distance to school adds mileage to your vehicle. This means that it puts unnecessary wear and tear on your vehicle. Not many college kids have brand new cars, so keeping down the mileage is key. If your school is far from home, or you’re planning a relocation, it’s highly advisable to employ the service of an auto transporter to keep your vehicle safe and healthy. 

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