
4 Basics To Know About Accounting Before Deciding If It’s The Right Career For You

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Understanding the Role and Responsibilities of an Accountant

One of the first things you should know before venturing into accounting is understanding what an accountant does. Usually, their role involves:

  • Reviewing and maintaining financial records.
  • Ensuring compliance with tax laws.
  • Developing budgets for businesses or individuals.

Accountants often assist in making key business decisions based on financial information. In many ways, they’re the backbone of any organization, analyzing numbers and delivering actionable recommendations. They work across all sectors, from public agencies to private corporations, non-profits to freelancer contracts. In short, accountants are essential everywhere.

The scope isn’t limited either! With further experience or qualifications, accountants may also become involved in strategic planning or corporate finance management roles like CFOs (Chief Financial Officers). Having a clear grasp of these responsibilities will help you better decide if this could be your future career path.

What Are the ‘Big 4’ Accounting Firms?

Next, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the ‘Big 4’ Accounting Firms. Known as Deloitte, PwC, EY and KPMG, these companies are benchmarks in the accounting world. They offer services from auditing to consulting across numerous sectors globally.

According to, working for one of these firms could fast-track your career advancement due to their expansive networks and diverse clientele base. They represent a golden opportunity for those desiring high-profile projects and international exposure in their careers. Recognizing this landscape is crucial when considering if accounting is right for you.

Exploring Different Specializations In Accounting

Discovering the different types of accounting roles on offer can help unravel aspects you might be particularly drawn towards. A few potential areas to consider include:

  • Public Accounting: Serving diverse clientele with auditing, tax advice, and consulting services.
  • Management/Corporate Accounting: Overseeing corporation finances, from budgeting to financial statement preparation.
  • Government Accounting: Ensuring fiscal operations of governmental entities adhere to laws and regulations.

There are other niches to look into as well. Perhaps your interests align more with Forensic Accounting where you would investigate frauds. Or maybe Environmental Accounting appeals to your green side, offering the opportunity to evaluate the environmental impact of company transactions.

Each specialization offers unique opportunities and challenges which can significantly influence your job satisfaction in accounting. Based on personal preferences for problem-solving or continuous learning, some areas may resonate better with you than others. This means it’s wise to explore these early on when deciding if a career in accounting is genuinely suited for you.

Are You Prepared For The Extensive Study & Examinations?

This is a question you must ask yourself, because accounting requires a combination of formal education and standard examinations to earn your certification. And that means lots of hard work to qualify and train before you’ve even earned your first paycheck.

Many choose to pursue an undergraduate degree in Accounting, followed by stricter specialty examinations such as the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) for public accounting or CMA (Certified Management Accountant) for management accounting among others. Each path entails rigorous preparation and commitment.

It’s essential to self-assess if this is the kind of dedication you are ready for, all while continuously learning because accounting laws aren’t static and continue evolving.

Final Thoughts

No one can tell you whether becoming an accountant is what makes sense for you, as it’s a decision only you can commit to. However, these basics of the career should give you a good idea if you want to take this ambition any further, so follow your head as well as your heart.