As we design and plan the facilitation of our online courses, identifying strategies that help to foster an inclusive learning environment is essential. One effective strategy to achieve this goal is through proactive outreach, which helps to build strong relationships and ensure that all students receive the support they need to succeed.
Canvas provides a variety of tools that make it easier and quicker to connect directly with students who need support. In this post, we will look at a component of the Gradebook called the “Message Students Who” feature.
This messaging feature is a tool that allows instructors to send targeted messages to students based on specific criteria. Targeted, proactive messages not only enhance engagement but also align with the principles of inclusive design by addressing the diverse needs of students in a timely and personalized manner.
Accessing the Message Students Feature From the Canvas Gradebook
See the steps below for a guide on how to access this feature and the options available.
Open Gradebook
In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.
Open Assignment Menu
Hover the cursor over the assignment or assignment group column header and click the Options icon.
Message Students
Click the Message Students Who link to open a message.
View Compose Message
In the Compose Message window, you can select a category of students to message [1], manage the recipients [2], enter a message title [3], and compose a message [4].
Message Students Who…
You can choose from several categories to message students:
- Have not yet submitted: Students who haven’t submitted the assignment.
- Have not been graded: Students whose assignments have not yet been graded.
- Scored less than [point value]: Students who earned a grade on their assignment less than a specified number of points.
- Scored more than [point value]: Students who earned a grade on their assignment more than a specified number of points.
- Reassigned: Students who have submitted an assignment and you have reassigned it to them.
Although one message will be sent to multiple students at the same time, each student will receive an individual message. This helps to build the relationship you have with each student, and provides them a 1-1 space to share personal concerns or needs with you.
It’s important to be intentional with proactive outreach and consider the tone and wording when messaging students using this tool. Offering empathy and using inclusive language will help encourage students to be responsive and stay engaged with the course.
There may be information shared that requires a referral for additional student support. Faculty can reach out to Ecampus Faculty Support or Ecampus Student Services for support in identifying the correct referral.
Benefits of Proactive Outreach
- Timely Interventions: By identifying students who are struggling or falling behind, you can intervene early. This can prevent minor issues from becoming major obstacles to their success.
- Personalized Support: Tailoring your messages to address specific concerns shows students that you are attentive to their needs, which can boost their motivation and engagement. Students are more likely to utilize resources and ask for help when needed, knowing that you are present and available.
- Increased Engagement: Regular communication helps maintain connection and strengthens the relationship between instructors and students. The Ecampus student population is largely made up of working adults, who have dependents and outside responsibilities. Your touching base helps to encourage them to stay active and engaged in the course.
Students have shared feedback in past annual surveys that some of the most impactful experiences they had as an online student at OSU were related to their instructor reaching out to them in a time of need. The “Message Students Who” tool in Canvas helps to lower the barrier of time for faculty to reach students in need and offer their support. For more information on this tool, please see the Canvas guide: How do I send a message to students from the Gradebook?
- Ecampus Online Teaching Principles
- Improving Student Engagement and Connection in Online Learning through Proactive Support (CDT Blog)
- Demonstrating Care: Reach Out and Refer (CDT Blog)
- Behind the Buzzword: Creating Belonging For Online Students at OSU (CDT Blog)
- Infographic: 4 Ways To Proactively Support Online Students
- Canvas Guide: How do I send a message to students from the Gradebook?