Three assistant professor positions are in the UW School of Public Health, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences.  We seek candidates from all disciplines that inform environmental and occupational health but are particularly interested in applicants with scholarship in one of the following areas of expertise: (1) Occupational Health and Safety; (2) Environmental Epidemiology; and (3) Toxicology. The posting for these three positions is here.

Two positions are for a full-time Assistant Teaching Professors in Environmental and Occupational Health, with a particular interest in in applicants with environmental public health practice OR Occupational Health and Safety practice.  The posting for this position is here.

There are two safety officer positions opened at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The position is in the hospital/clinical safety section and we deal with things such as IH monitoring, fire response, respiratory protection, construction safety, and surveying of clinical areas for safety issues.