The WIC team is happy to congratulate the 15 faculty who completed the 2022 WIC Faculty Seminar.

Over the course of five weeks, OSU faculty from across the disciplines participated in the WIC Faculty Seminar via Zoom. Session topics included defining writing-intensive teaching, creating and sequencing assignments, writing to learn, and responding to and assessing student writing. Lively conversations about what “good” writing means in different disciplines and how teachers can best support students in learning disciplinary conventions allowed faculty to learn from each other and make interdisciplinary connections. Through weekly discussion posts and reflection logs, faculty participants were able to apply these ideas to their own WIC courses and to other courses they teach.
The WIC team and participants also had the pleasure of engaging with Nadia Jaramillo Cherrez (Senior Instructional Design Specialist at Ecampus) about teaching writing in online courses. Nadia worked particularly closely with faculty participants who teach or will teach Ecampus WIC courses, exploring how they might design Ecampus courses to promote writing to learn, peer response, and more.
Here are this year’s Faculty Seminar graduates:
- Erin Bodfish (Art History)
- Borbala Csillag (Business)
- Elisa Di Meglio (Botany & Plant Pathology)
- Jill Hoxmeier (Public Health)
- Philip McFadden (Biochemistry & Biophysics)
- Kim McAloney (College Student Services Administration)
- Colin Mulligan (Kinesiology)
- Vaughn Robison (Fisheries, Wildlife, & Conservation Sciences)
- Kim Rogers (Kinesiology)
- Hannah Rowe (Microbiology)
- Hathai Sangsupan (Integrative Biology)
- Nicholas Siler (Atmospheric & Climate Science)
- Yumie Takata (Nutrition & Epidemiology)
- Alexander Ulbrich (Electrical Engineering & Computer Science)
- Jeff Marcus Wheeler (Arts, Media & Technology)