We are happy to announce our Spring Lunch Series schedule for 2020. We look forward to the stimulating conversations that will occur.

Spring Term WIC lunches have formerly been held on Fridays in Milam 215 from 12 to 1 pm, with delicious American Dream pizza and beverages provided.

Here is what you NOW need to know about how the WIC Program is modifying its modes of delivery of scheduled lunches Spring Term in  response to OSU COVD-19 policy on keeping safe and keeping teaching.  Our intention is to provide ongoing WIC-specific support to faculty.

  • Starting April 10, 12-1 pm, our scheduled lunch sessions will be offered at noon on Fridays but will be moved online to the videoconferencing software Zoom, with its document-posting and chat functions.  Zoom is available to you through your Oregon State account.
  • Moving forward, we will make every effort to deliver intended content of the planned WIC lunches remotely, where possible.
  • We will provide regular updates on scheduled activities by e-mail and the WIC website as conditions evolve.

If you have any questions regarding the noon hour remote sessions, please contact Marisa Yerace, WIC GTA, at yeracem@oregonstate.edu. Please register for each lunch you plan to attend by clicking here or copying and pasting this link: https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1NBfRL1l1hb9k2h .

Even for lunches occurring on campus, Zoom links will be provided to enable our OSU Cascades Faculty to participate. 

“Teaching Peer Review Online: Tools, Resources, and Strategies” (for teaching WIC on campus and Ecampus)April 10

This has been changed to a Zoom meeting. Please register if you plan to attend and you will receive the meeting link closer to the event.

This lunch will introduce current digital interface tools and resources for effective peer review assignments online (Canvas, Eli Review, and the OSU Writing Studio).

“Information Literacy in an Age of Lies”May 1

WIC guest speaker: Michael Caulfield, Director of Blended and Networked Learning, Academic Affairs, Washington State University, Vancouver.

Information literacy—identifying, critically analyzing and evaluating sources—is not new.  The topic has taken on greater urgency in an era when accusations of fake news and disinformation are common. Mike Caulfield is a nationally recognized authority on thinking through 21st century generation digital learning and the special challenges of online sourcing for college teachers and students. Read a short preview of his research profile and presentation here.

“Showcasing Innovations: WIC in Multi-modal/Multimedia Forms” – May 15

Join us for an invigorating roundtable conversation with short presentations on innovative approaches to supplementing WIC writing assignments with multimedia/multimodal forms (sound, speech, visual texts).  

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