25 Years of Writing Intensive Learning: A Showcase of Teaching Innovation

By Marisa Yerace, WIC Intern

Dear Friends of WIC,

The Writing Intensive Curriculum at Oregon State is currently seeking your proposals for our afternoon mini-conference 25 Years of Writing Intensive Learning: A Showcase of Teaching Innovation, part of the WIC 25th Anniversary Celebration on May 21st, 2019.

The presentations will run from 1:30-3:45 PM in the Journey Room (104) of the Memorial Union and will last about 10 minutes each (think short WIC Ted Talks). Presentations will be open to the university and the public. This program will be followed by our keynote address by Dr. Terry Myers Zawacki, Professor Emerita, George Mason University, and internationally-known author and editor of multiple books on Writing Across the Curriculum, about her international experiences with Writing Across the Curriculum.

As part of our Celebration, we would love to feature WIC faculty who innovate with writing to teach in their disciplines. If you would like to present, please send a brief  abstract or description of your idea with a title by April 12th to Marisa Yerace, WIC intern, at yeracem@oregonstate.edu. All questions about the Showcase can be directed to Marisa as well.

OSU WIC faculty presentations might include your innovative approaches to:

  • Low-stakes writing assignments
  • Conducting peer review in class
  • Responding to student papers
  • Reflective writing
  • Revision strategies
  • Professionalization through writing assignments
  • WIC strategies on Canvas and Ecampus
  • Your own creative WIC pedagogies

If you cannot present, we invite you and your colleagues to attend our Showcase of Teaching Innovation and the keynote talk by Dr. Terry Myers Zawacki at 4:00pm, May 21st, also in the Journey Room.

We look forward to celebrating with you,

-Team WIC
-Marisa Yerace, WIC Intern
-Vicki Tolar Burton, WIC Director
-Lindsay Schwehr, WIC GTA
-Ruth Sylvester, WIC Intern
-Caryn Stoess, WIC E. A.

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