2018 WIC Fall Seminar Faculty Recognized

By Lindsay Schwehr, WIC GTA

The WIC Faculty and Staff would like to congratulate the 13 faculty participants of the Fall 2018 WIC Seminar.

(From left to right) Back Row: Ethan Minot, Jason Fick Fourth Row: Shawn Massoni, Jennifer Alix-Garcia, Betsy Rock Third Row: Tasha Galardi, Adela Hall, Jaga Giebultowicz Second Row: Lauren Dalton, Vicki Tolar Burton Front Row: Christy Anderson Brekken, Jonny Armstrong, Kelly Biedenweg Not Pictured: Justin Wettstein


Over the course of five weeks, participants in the 2018 Fall Seminar engaged in various in-class informal writing assignments and activities. These assignments included looping, a write-and-pass exercise, a change-3-things exercise, and more.

After engaging in these activities, participants returned to the group in order to discuss their process with these informal writing assignments and the explored topic. Faculty participants engaged heavily in pedagogy surrounding Writing-to-Learn ideologies, exploring new ways to engage their students in informal writing activities and ungraded writing. Participants also discussed new or different approaches to responding to and evaluating student writing. During one of the seminar sessions, faculty participants provided writing assignments used in their current curriculum for workshop and revision.

At seminar’s end, faculty evaluated the seminar as being highly engaging and thought provoking; one faculty member said, “The seminar allowed me the chance to experience the thinking process and experience myself, and see how these new ideas can be beneficial to my students.”

It was a pleasure and privilege sharing the learning space of the WIC Fall Seminar. This year’s participants were:

  • Jennifer Alix-Garcia, Applied Economics
  • Jonny Armstrong, Fisheries and Wildlife
  • Kelly Biedenweg, Fisheries and Wildlife
  • Christy Anderson Brekken, Applied Economics
  • Lauren Dalton, Biochemistry and Biophysics
  • Jason Fick, Music Technology
  • Tasha Galardi, Human Development and Family Sciences
  • Jaga Giebultowicz, Integrative Biology
  • Adela Hall, World Languages and Cultures
  • Shawn Massoni, Microbiology
  • Ethan Minot, Physics
  • Betsy Rock, Business
  • Justin Wettstein, Climate Science


Adela Hall and Shawn Massoni.
Jason Fick and Jaga Giebultowicz
Christy Brekken, Tasha Galardi, and Jonny Armstrong.
Lauren Dalton, Ethan Minot, and Kelly Biedenweg.










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