Welcome to the MAT Program!

As the Faculty and Staff of the Master of Arts in Teaching, we take great pleasure
welcoming you to our program. You have selected one of the most challenging, but most
rewarding, career paths to travel. Indeed, you will be intellectually challenged on a daily
basis to understand and apply the concepts of teaching and learning within the context of
the curriculum as well as in your clinical placement. It is this very dimension which
makes the study of teaching such a specialized discipline. The time demands will be great
as you pursue your degree and teaching license, but the rewards will be even greater.

As teachers, we have the unique opportunity to experience many wonderful emotional
and uplifting moments as we teach, whether working with an individual student or
teaching a whole group. Our charge as teachers is to engage students in learning through
best practices in teaching.

We wish you the best of luck as you pursue your graduate degree and please know that
the faculty and staff of the Masters of Arts in Teaching Program are here to provide
guidance and support throughout your degree program. Please read this handbook in
detail to make sure you understand the procedures and policies in place in the program.


Dr. Julie Gess-Newsome, Associate Dean, OSU-Cascades

Dr. Carolyn Platt, Program Lead, MAT Program

Dr. Michael Giamellaro, STEM Faculty

Jana Clemons, M.Ed, Secondary Cohort Lead

Dr. Melinda Knapp, Elementary Cohort CoLead, Math Faculty

Dr. Rachael Schuetz, Elementary Cohort CoLead

Nancy Hackbarth, Placement Coordinator

Donna Harris, Licensing Coordinator