edTPA Formative and Summative Assessments

The edTPA is a nationally scored assessment of your ability to plan, teach, and assess.
Teacher candidates have found it to be an opportunity to demonstrate all that they have learned
during the MAT program. It is a state and program requirement to pass the nationally scored
summative edTPA in the Spring, in order to be recommended for teacher licensure.
During your Fall student teaching placement you will be guided through a formative
edTPA assessment in ED 510: Internship and edTPA. ED 510 has been designed to support your
work every step of the way through the formative edTPA process. The formative edTPA is
locally scored and is designed to give you feedback to encourage your growth and lead to
success on the nationally scored summative edTPA.
During your Winter student teaching placement you will work on your summative edTPA
on your own. OSU Cascades Faculty and Staff, and your cooperating teacher, cannot help you
with the summative edTPA. In Winter 510 you will be provided with a planning guide to help
organize your work. The summative edTPA must be submitted for national scoring prior to
beginning the Capstone Portfolio course and Oral Exams. In order to be recommended for
teacher licensure, all MAT teacher candidates must pass the nationally scored summative



All edTPA documentation and support can be found on the edTPA Teacher Candidate
Support Canvas Site.

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