Professional, Ethical, and Student Teaching Standards

Professional and Ethical Standards

TSPC and the state of Oregon require all candidates seeking teaching licensure to adhere to the
National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC)
Model Code of Ethics for Educators ( Professional
behavior includes respect, honor and integrity, altruism, responsibility and accountability,
leadership, caring, compassion, communication, and excellence of scholarship. Professional
dispositions include the values, commitments, and professional ethics which positively influence
behaviors toward students, families, colleagues, communities, and technology use. They affect
student or client learning, motivation, and development, as well as their own professional
growth. Dispositions are guided by beliefs and attitudes related to values such as caring,
fairness, honesty, responsibility, and social justice.

In addition to high standards for academic achievement and to the profession, the College of
Education at Oregon State University holds candidates accountable during their studies and in
their work in the field in both academics and practice. It is not sufficient to perform well
academically, yet behave in ways that decrease the quality of the professional work. In other
words, personal “issues” and personality characteristics that influence job performance may be
considered as vital as the ability to write papers that present information. The candidate must
demonstrate acceptable professional behavior in five key areas:

I. Professional conduct toward students, clients, youth, and adult learners;

II. Professional practice;

III. Professional conduct toward professional colleagues, including university faculty, staff,
and Student Teaching and field placement supervisors and administrators;

IV. Professional conduct toward the general community, including educators, parents, and
other community members

V. Technology use that includes “netiquette”, ensuring copyright, not plagiarizing, not
using computers inappropriately for pornography or personal gain.

If candidates meet or exceed the standards of professional behavior, they will continue in the
chosen field of study without interruption. If candidates do not meet the standards, they must go
through the following procedures which may result in termination of their program and/or not
being recommended for licensure.


Student Teaching Standards / Retention Policy

A teacher candidate may be removed from a practicum or student teaching site by the
Professional Teacher Education Program if his or her performance does not meet benchmark
requirements, or if performance is determined to be consistently inadequate, inappropriate, or
unprofessional by the university supervisor and/or faculty. Furthermore, a teacher candidate will
be removed immediately from the site school at the request of the school principal (or
appropriate administrator).

The process identified in the steps below may be afforded the teacher candidate, if it is felt that
he or she is not making satisfactory progress as outlined in the benchmarks and/or course syllabi:


Acceptable professional behavior includes the following and is to be documented if there are infractions:

I. Professional Conduct toward Students, Clients, Youth, and Adult Learners:
Candidate exhibits professional conduct towards the above mentioned in the following ways:

a. Treats everyone in a fair, kind, and just manner
b. Shows preference toward no individual or any particular group
c. Shows respect, empathy, and value to all; accepting every individual for who they are,
even when their values may be inconsistent with own values
d. Respects cultural and family traditions
e. Puts needs of clients or learners ahead of one’s own interests
f. Uses listening skills, tact, sensitivity, and supportive behavior
g. Contributes to leadership and team building
h. Does not misuse power relationships

II. Professional Practice:
Candidate follows expected professional standards of practice including the following:

a. Assumes responsibility and accountability for all personal and professional actions
b. Complies with building/district rules and/or procedures that are not in conflict with
professional ethics
c. Complies with the university, course, and program area policies and expectations
(e.g., University conduct code, classes, interactions with faculty, staff and peers)
d. Does not use institutional or professional privileges for personal gain or advantage
e. Demonstrates appropriate manner including being punctual to work, being prepared
for class, showing affection/warmth appropriately (e.g., using praise, rewards, or
smiles), completes work in a timely fashion, models educated language devoid of
profanity, vulgarity, dresses professionally, etc.
f. Keeps all confidential information confidential and only shares with those directly
involved with the case at hand
g. Reports child abuse following State requirements and regulations
h. Continues to work on, and take advantage of, professional growth opportunities,
feedback from peers and instructors, keeping current on trends and knowledge,
i. Is positive, helpful and supportive, providing a good role model

III. Professional Conduct toward Professional Colleagues:
Candidate demonstrates proper professional respect in the following ways:

a. Treats all professional colleagues with whom he or she has contact equitably and
b. Does not make false statements about a colleague or placement setting
c. Is forthright, honest, and respectful with colleagues
d. Talks with the person with whom there is a problem and does not spread gossip
e. Respects each colleague’s freedom of choice and expression and does not attempt to
violate any individual’s professional integrity
f. Admits errors and takes responsibility for mistakes

IV. Professional Conduct Towards General Community:
Candidate shows support of the school systems, workplaces, 4-H settings, and other

a. Makes every effort to fully inform parents about their children and to assist families in
educational or other endeavors, ensuring that responsible parties are informed
with needed information
b. Makes every effort to understand and respect the values and traditions of diverse
cultures and groups represented in the community
c. Maintains a positive and active role working for the betterment of all members of the
d. Makes every effort to respect organizations, institutions and groups within the
community, which necessitates a sensitivity and openness to various group

V. Technology Use:
Candidate uses technology in appropriate, ethical ways

a. Follows “netiquette” rules of behavior
b. Does not plagiarize, follows copyright rules, downloads files with permission, uses
proper citations to give credit to original sources of information
c. Does not use technologies inappropriately for such things as pornography, personal
gain, or other exploitive uses.

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