Prior to Beginning Student Teaching

____ Submit all Test Scores (passing and nonpassing, with all pages of the score report to Donna
Harris. You may scan and email or physically drop them off.

____ ORELA Protecting Student and Civil Rights in the Educational Environment exam
____ NES Elementary Education I & II exams (Elementary only)
____ NES Endorsement Area(s) exam (Secondary only)

____ Provide NEA membership/insurance documentation to Donna Harris one week prior to starting
Internship. The NEA Membership will be open in August (it is closed until then). (see page 34 for
more details)
____ Provide a screenshot copy of your TSPC Fingerprint clearance to Nancy Hackbarth (see page 34
for more details)
____ Complete the online Volunteer Application/Registration form for the districts you’ll be working in,
and obtain a badge from the district before entering the classroom
____ Read your OSU email and check the MAT Canvas site at least once each day. This is the
            way that we will communicate important information with you regarding the MAT Program.
____ Keep in ongoing contact with Nancy Hackbarth, the Placement Coordinator, concerning the
progress and confirmation of your Student Teaching Placements.
____ Complete “Safe Schools” training and submit a copy of the completion certificate to Nancy
Hackbarth, (link provided at student teaching workshop in August), and any specific requirements
in accordance with your school district.

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