ESOL and Dual Endorsement Add-ons

ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Endorsement Add-on

Teacher Candidates electing to add coursework toward an (ESOL) endorsement to their program
will be asked to submit an application declaring that intent during the beginning of Winter term.
The addition of the coursework toward the endorsement requires the addition of the summer term
to the teacher candidate’s schedule and the postponement of the portfolio and oral exam until
summer term. As stated earlier, teacher candidates are eligible to participate in commencement
at the end of spring term, with the understanding that the degree will not be conferred until the
conclusion of all requirements. Candidates will still be eligible to receive their teaching license
upon successful completion of all required elements at the end of spring term.

Teacher candidates wishing to pursue the ESOL coursework toward an addon
endorsement will take additional coursework in spring and an additional summer.

Spring (16 credits)
ESOL course 2 (3)
ESOL course 3 (3)
Learning Environments III (2)
Clinical Practice (8)

Summer (10/13 credits)
ESOL Course 4 (3)
ESOL Course 5 (3)
Capstone (4)
ESOL Internship (3) (as available)


Dual Endorsements (Optional Add-On, Subject to Admission)

Middle School Track for Elementary Teacher Candidates

Elementary teacher candidates interested in adding a middle school endorsement, need to declare
this interest at admission. Teacher Candidates will have their application reviewed for both the
elementary program and for the middle school endorsement. If selected for the elementary /
middle school track, teacher candidates will exceed 16 credits in at least one term, and will incur
additional tuition costs. The elementary / middle school track teacher candidates will be placed
in a K8
school where they can spend some of their time at the middle school level as well.
● NES tests required: Elementary subtest I & II and NES test in middle school subject area
● Additional Coursework required:
○ ETC 1 with Elementary, ETC 2 & 3 with Secondary
○ All Elementary Methods classes
○ First Secondary Methods (4 additional credits) (in Summer for Science/ Math, and
in Winter for LA/SS) class required, Second methods course recommended


Dual Endorsement for Secondary Teacher Candidates

Secondary teacher candidates interested in adding an additional subject area endorsement, need
to declare this interest at admission. Teacher candidates will have their application reviewed for
admission to both subject areas. Candidates applying for dual endorsement must demonstrate
content in the second area on undergraduate/post graduate transcripts. If selected for the dual
endorsement secondary track, teacher candidates will exceed 16 credits in at least one term, and
will incur additional tuition costs. TCs will need to complete a credit overload form (found on
the MAT Canvas Site) to be eligible to exceed 16 credits. Dual endorsement secondary track
teacher candidates will spend some of their time in the second endorsement area as well.
● NES test required for both endorsement areas
● Summer Math and Science methods class are required, Fall methods courses are
recommended as well
● Social Studies and Language Arts dual endorsements need to take the third Winter
methods course as well