
Week 2

This previous week transitioned well to this week as we improved on our task management for upcoming development. Notably we added some changes to our tasks for improving the readability of our tasks, and added time estimations for our tasks. This week I was also tasked with asking the Shopify help forums about using the API, so far there has yet to be a response, and the technical questions sections seemed to have mostly answers to liquid theme type questions. To get some responses I could ask the question in a different way in a different section.

Additionally, this week our group swapped roles for the group sprint, the previous week I was a developer, and this week I swapped from developer to scrum master. Since there are only three roles and four of us will each get to be a developer twice in a full rotation, I expect I may be the product owner next, and regardless I appreciate the facilitation created from the roles so far. Therefore I expect to be the product owner and developer roles within the next two swaps for the sprints. This sprint as the scrum master I have been focused on our tasks, by making sure they are in order, and ready to go for our team moving forward. Now that we have approved our designs for this week we are now working on two different types of the main page to be decided on when completed. Since this is an important sprint for implementation I will make sure to provide support to the developers where needed, and hopefully everything goes well.

Other tasks such as the other pages of the theme have been put on a much lower priority, since the design for our first page is the most important, and this is because it will carry through the sites theme to the other pages dispute their unique differences.  


Term 2: Starting with a sprint!

This week we worked as a group towards getting started with developing with our sprint. Our group met once this previous weekend, and twice this week with the most previous meeting being our stand up meeting which helped prepare for our next meeting this Monday. Our stand up meeting allowed us to quickly go over what he needed to for this week for the sprint. The first stand up meeting went well in my perspective, and I am starting to see how these stand up meetings will help our team moving forward. So far our main hold up and focus point is the design. We agreed that that it should be discussed and the first designs should approved by the team for the implementation to go smooth. This will be helpful as it will be efficient to deal with allow ample time to discuss specific design considerations before the first version is created. Being a developer for this sprint I was also tasked with getting familiar with the surrounding technology such as git for version management, css, and liquid formatting moving forwards. Github will be the git service we will use for working together on the theme version. For the webpage theme designs we are collaborating and sharing documents from lucid chars free website service for prototyping. This type of graphical prototyping system has been great to work with as we are able to mimic the colors for the upcoming design from the previous design sets, giving us a realistic view on what we will be constructing soon. Additionally the first pages we will be building are a few of the highest priority pages to build in the theme design, and after that the subsequent pages currently in the back log will be able to be designed from the work, at that time, previously done on the first completed pages.