Mapping inequality: Redlining in New Deal America. As you explore the materials in Mapping Inequality, you will quickly encounter descriptions of the “infiltration” of what were quite often described as “subversive,” “undesirable,” “inharmonious,” or “lower grade” populations, for they are everywhere in the Home Owner’s Loan Corporation (HOLC) archive. By bringing study of HOLC into the digital realm, Mapping Inequality embraces a big data approach that can simultaneously give a national view of the program or a neighborhood-level assessment of the 1930s real estate rescue, in the hope that the public will be able to understand the effects of federal housing policy and local implementation in their own communities.

Library of Congress Map Room. Online collection of maps. Can be used for map critiques that consider what stories are told and how they impact different communities.

Black Workers Still Earn Less than Their White Counterparts. Nearly 56 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, “we find equal pay for equal work is still not a reality,” noted Jackson Gruver, a data analyst at compensation data and software firm PayScale.

Black workers have made no progress in closing earnings gaps with white men since 2000. Median earnings data from 2000-2017.

The Racial Wage Gap Persists in 2020. Charts and graphs that allow you to change age and worker types.

Gender pay gap in U.S. held steady in 2020. Discusses stability of gender wage gap in 2020.

DLCD Oregon Mapping Tools. GIS Software/Zoning Information.

Census. Interactive Census Maps.

Oregon Zoning. GIS Tool.

Mapping Inequality. GIS Tool using HOLC guidelines.

Native Peoples Maps. Traditional names and locations, tribal nations, and the US and other countries. Also Alaska and some other states. (Purchasable) There is also a lesson plan for purchase that costs $5.

Map Reading Room. Database of story maps on many topics globally and the role of geography in them.