Black geographies book list. A reading list on Places of foundational books in Black geographies.

Black geographies specialty group reading list. A list of recently published work by members of the Black Geographies Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers.

Minneapolis uprising syllabus. This bibliography, compiled by Adam Bledsoe, is intended to offer background to how Minneapolis became a flashpoint for a global uprising against anti-Blackness and state violence. It introduces the struggles of the Twin Cities’ Black community, focusing especially on the case of Minneapolis.

Geographies of racial capitalist. This video of geographer Ruth Wilson Gilmore, filmed by the Antipode Foundation, explains the concept of racial capitalism and the geographies of racial capitalism.

Ruth Wilson Gilmore makes the case for abolition. In this two-part podcast, Ruth Wilson Gilmore offers a sweeping and detailed analysis of the relentless expansion and funding of police and prisons, and how locking people in cages has become central to the American project. She offers a comprehensive road map for understanding how we have arrived at the present political moment of brutality and rebellion, and she lays out the need for prison abolition and defunding police forces.

Is prison necessary? This New York Times article explores Ruth Wilson Gilmore’s arguments against the U.S. prison system and simultaneously challenges some of our assumptions about racial bias and prisons.

A brief history of redlining, part I. During the Great Depression, real estate-related discrimination included systemized grading of neighborhoods based on the races that lived there.

In Black and White: How racial segregation in housing shaped cities like Columbus. Ohio State economics professor Trevon Logan joins Dr. Terrance Dean and “The Other Side” podcast host Scot Kirk to talk about how policies enacted decades ago to keep neighborhoods segregated still affect cities today.

The legacy of redlining. Discrimination and housing segregation in the United States didn’t happened by chance. In this episode, our guests Richard Rothstein, author of the book The Color of Law, and Emmanuel Martinez, data reporter for Reveal, explain how redlining still shapes our cities and affects people of color. 

Structural racism and the urban geography of education. To understand the challenges facing students in big city school systems, this podcast pays close attention to who lives where, who moves in, and who is forced to move out.

Mapping and making gangland: A legacy of redlining and enjoining gang neighbourhoods in Los Angeles. An article in Urban Studies that uses two case studies from Los Angeles to demonstrate that it is overwhelmingly redlined neighbourhoods that have remained marginalised, becoming civilly enjoined ‘gang’ neighbourhoods faced with oppressive anti-gang policing tactics over the past few decades.