Application Announcement

OSUEA Search for Excellence and Western Extension Directors Award of Excellence

Both awards, OSU Extension Association (OSUEA) Search for Excellence and the Western Extension Directors Award (WEDA) for Excellence, recognize outstanding accomplishments in Extension Education. Two awards with one application process; your time has arrived. Don’t be bashful.

2025 Application Deadline: TBA

  • This is the deadline for both OSUEA Search for Excellence and WEDA.
  • For WEDA, the applicants will be considered for the 2025 nomination.

OSUEA Search for Excellence Award

Purpose: The OSUEA Search for Excellence program recognizes outstanding Extension education effort, innovation and impact.

Eligibility/Selection/Timeline: Only current members of the OSU Extension Association are eligible to enter. For team projects to be considered, at least one project leader must be a member of OSUEA. We consider applications for both teams and individuals in a wide range and scale of deserving programs from county to multi-state efforts.

Programs/projects completed within the past 2 years are eligible. Award selection and evaluation is conducted by the OSUEA Search for Excellence Committee. Individuals or teams selected will be recognized during the 2024 OSU Extension Conference (December 2024). Those honored are expected to present an overview of their program to peers.

Western Extension Directors Award of Excellence

Purpose: The Award of Excellence recognizes Extension outreach education programming that has achieved outstanding accomplishments, results and impacts in addressing contemporary issues in one or more of the 13 Western states and territories.  It is anticipated that recipients of the award will include mature programs with documented impacts.

Eligibility/Selection/Timeline: Open to all Extension faculty and staff. Multi-State programs are encouraged. Selection of Oregon nominee is at the discretion of the OSU Extension Director. It is anticipated that recipients of the award will be mature programs with documented impacts. Final selection of honorees will be made by the Awards for Excellence Committee, Western Extension Program Leaders Committee.  Nominees will be notified before their applications are submitted. (Note: there is a supplemental WEDA information sheet available. Contact: OSU Extension Administration if interested.)

Application Format (Both Awards)

Please use the following format in preparing your application:

A. Cover Page:

  • Name and title of Contact Person (applicant):

Program Title

Program type: County based/ multi-county/ State-wide/ multi-state

Consideration for (check those that apply):

OSUEA Search for Excellence ____

  • Name(s) of OSUEA members:

Western Extension Directors Awards of Excellence_____

Program Abstract: (no more than 150 words)

Contact information for applicant and team members (Inc. titles and locations) :

B. Program Description (3 pg. max., covering items 1-7 below; rating scale/point allocations as listed).

1. Issue & Situation (10 points)

2. Stakeholders & Input (10 points)

3. Extension Focus & Research Base (10 points)

4. Multidisciplinary & Collaborative Components (10 points)

5. Innovative Approaches (15 points)

6. Impacts Achieved (30 points)

7. Scholarly Products Developed (15 points)

C. A letter of endorsement/recommendation from a supervisor familiar with your project (i.e. Area Director, County Leader, Program Leader, Dept. Head)

D. Attachments may include: Materials developed in or for your program, key references used, media examples, partnership description etc.

Submit electronic application to:

Luisa Santamaria, Committee Chairperson

Additional detail on Program Description section (B)

1. ISSUE & SITUATION: Clearly presents the needs/situation of the issue addressed. Why is the issue important and what was the situation prior to the implementation of the program (10 points)?

2. STAKEHOLDERS & INPUT: Identifies audiences/customers/stakeholders, and clearly describes the process used to obtain their input into program development and implementation. Who does the program target, and how was their input obtained (10 points)?

3. EXTENSION FOCUS & RESEARCH BASE: Clearly shows the outreach education focus of the program, while presenting the key research and/or experiential learning upon which the program is based. A brief bibliography citing key references used in developing the program can be included as an attachment, if needed (10 points).

4. MULTIDISCIPLINARY & COLLABORATIVE COMPONENTS: Presents the key multidisciplinary components and collaborations/partnerships needed for success of the program. Explains the key role of each to the program. Do not just list disciplines, collaborators and partnerships without a statement of why/how they were important to the program (10 points).

5. INNOVATIVE  APPROACHES: Describes innovative approach used to effectively address the issue. Clearly explains why the approach, method, program, etc., is viewed as both innovative and appropriate to the audience. (15 points).

6. IMPACTS ACHIEVED: Identifies the evaluation methods used and clearly presents the significant impacts, outcomes and results achieved by the program in addressing the issue (30 points).

7. SCHOLARLY PRODUCTS DEVELOPED: Presents the scholarly products developed for use by clientele and peers in support of the program. Scholarly products developed may include, but are not limited to journal articles, magazine articles, education manuals, fact sheets, new curricula, new web sites, videotapes, CD-Roms (15 points). Examples may be included as attachments.

Search for Excellence Award Recipients

Updated: January 2025