National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals (NAE4-HYDP)

One-time dues, three times the current active member national amount. Must retire from Extension (not merely move out of 4-H youth position). All rights and privileges of an active member. Active NAE4-HYDP members who retire may complete that membership year as active members, with full membership benefits. If a life member returns to active employment status, they will be required to pay dues as an active member. Life member status would be reinstated without additional payment when Extension employment returns to retirement status. There may also be a small amount reflecting state dues included in the final Life Membership dues.
*Current national annual rate for Active Members ($80.00)

National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA)

Life membership shall be available to retired former members upon payment of a single lifetime membership as listed under dues. Active membership in this organization annual dues shall be NACAA annual dues (currently $50) plus $25 OAEA dues. Life member dues shall be equal to one year’s OAEA dues payable one time only.

National – Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP)

Members, who are retired from the Cooperative Extension System, may obtain a paid-up life membership by paying an amount equal to five times the national annual dues at the time of the purchase of paid-up life membership. These members hold equal rights and privileges to those paying annual dues. There may also be a small amount reflecting state dues included in the final Life Membership dues.
*Current national annual rate for Active Members ($55.00) 

National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS)

Life Membership—$300 one-time payment if you have been an active or affiliate member of NEAFCS for at least five years and have retired, resigned or otherwise become ineligible for active or affiliate membership, you are eligible to be a Life Member. Dues are payable in a one-time fee. You should check with the president of your state Affiliate to determine the process for becoming a Life Member. Should you ever re-enter the Extension service, you will be required to resume active membership status and pay annual dues. There may also be a small amount reflecting state dues included in the final Life Membership dues.

Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP)

Life Members ($300.00) must have retired from the Cooperative Extension Service, (CES) or Sea Grant Extension Program (SGEP) having held an appointment and/or had responsibilities in the natural resources field. Dues for Life Membership are payable on a one-time basis and are set at an amount equal to five times the current annual rate for dues for Active Members. Life Members have all the rights and privileges of Active Members. If a Life Member returns to active employment status, he/she will be required to pay dues as an active member until retirement status is resumed. Life Member status will be reinstated without additional payment when Extension employment returns to retirement status.
*Current national annual rate for Active Members ($60.00)

Association for Communication Excellence (ACE)

Any retired member who is eligible for retired member status and who has at least 10 years of membership in ACE may apply to become a life member. Life membership will take effect upon approval by the ACE Board. One time payment of $300.

Updated: December 2020