The deadline for 2024 OSUEA Cooperator Award nominations: October 15, 2024.
Nomination Procedures
ESP Friend of Extension Awards
The ESP Friend of Extension Award is the highest recognition presented by an Epsilon Sigma Phi chapter to a non-Extension (lay) person, company, organization or elected official and is designed to recognize truly outstanding support and personal involvement in Extension efforts. The Friend of Extension Award, sponsored by ESP, is open to any non-Extension person, company or organization that has demonstrated outstanding support and involvement in Extension efforts. Past Cooperator Award winners who have continued to serve and contribute are eligible to be nominated. A winner of this award will be nominated for the National ESP Friend of Extension Award. Nominations may follow a different timeline. Contact Barbara Brody, Committee Chair for complete details and application.
Oregon 4-H Hall of Fame
This award recognizes individuals who have had a significant impact on the 4-H Program, or its members and leaders. Contact Trisha Applebee for complete details.
OSUEA Cooperator Awards
OSU Extension Service Cooperator Awards (sponsored by OSUEA) honor individuals and businesses who have made significant contributions to Extension programming in Oregon. Extension cooperators include 4-H Leaders, Master Gardeners, Master Food Preservers, farmers and ranchers engaged in agricultural research, Master Woodland Managers and many other individuals, organizations and businesses who work in collaboration with Extension professionals to benefit all Oregonians.
Awards are given in the following categories
A. Individuals with fewer than 10 years of service
B. Individuals with 10 years or more of service
C. Businesses or Organizations (no time limit)
Evaluation Criteria – OSUEA Cooperator Awards |
Points |
Program involvement…with Extension volunteer programs, time contributions with significant impact and leadership. For business or organizations, actions beyond what is normally done to conduct the business or activity. | 60 |
Support…for Extension such as advisory councils, committees, fund raising, financial contributions, political support, etc. | 30 |
Community service…other than Extension | 10 |
Total points | 100 |
- Nomination Form, Sample Nomination and more details
- OSUEA Policy on Cooperator Award Participation Fees (PDF)
Questions/additional information: Contact Sergio Arispe, Committee Co-Chair at 541-881-1417 or
Kristen Moore, Committee Co-Chair at 971-361-9633
Below you will find a complete list of previous OSUEA Cooperator Award winners.
OSUEA Cooperator Award Recipients
2023 Winners
Less than 10 years:
Marcie Kaminker (Jackson County)
Kristi Hiaasen (Crook County)
Tina Mello (Harney County)
Brandy & Darren Tharp (Polk County)
Todd Nash (Wallowa County)
Celeste Percy (Lane County)
More than 10 years:
Angela Johnson (Baker County)
Debra “Debbi” Bunch (Wheeler County)
Mike & Wendy Falk (Wallowa County)
Ken & Aimee Patterson (Union County)
Chris Rusch (Douglas County)
Scott Myers (Grant County)
Toni Myers (Baker County)
Tillamook County Creamery Association (Tillamook County)
Josephine County Food Bank/Raptor Creek Farms (Josephine County)
The Polk Soil & Water Conservation Service (Polk County)
Rogue Valley Wine Growers Association (Southern Oregon Research & Extension Center)
2022 Winners
Less than 10 years:
Deb Schmidt (Lane County)
Lena Calef (Polk County)
Gainor Riker (Columbia County)
Alex Llumiquinga (Lincoln County)
Ginnie Grilley (Lane County)
More than 10 years:
Peggy Prickett (Coos County)
Alex Paul (Linn County)
Central Oregon STEM Hub, (Deschutes, Jefferson, and Crook counties)
Barreto Manufacturing (Union County)
Chemeketa Community College (Marion, Polk, and Yamhill counties)
Grange Co-op (Jackson County)
Klamath County Library (Klamath County)
This award program was not conducted during the height of the COVID pandemic.
This award program was not conducted during the height of the COVID pandemic.
2019 Winners
Less than 10 years:
Shirley Betournay (Lane County)
Chris Dalla (Klamath County)
Susan Dean McReynolds (Lane County)
Scott Goode (Jackson County)
Mark Mackenzie (Malheur County)
Andrea Mann (Umatilla County)
Jennifer Redmond-Noble (Yamhill County)
More than 10 years:
Robin & Lou Gerber (Union County)
Richard Little (Linn County)
Susan Roberts (Wallowa County)
Bonnie & Steve Wuergler (Douglas County)
Gorge Grown Food Network (Hood River County)
Klamath Lake Forest Health Partnership (Forestry & NR Extension Program)
Marion County Fair Foundation (Marion County)
Oregon Berry Packing Inc. (Washington County)
Sherm’s Thunderbird Markets (Jackson County)
The Ford Family Foundation (Open Campus)
Threemile Canyon Farms (Morrow County)
2018 Winners
Less than 10 years:
Debra Brimacombe (Columbia County)
Dr. Connie Green (Open Campus)
Stan Dean (Jackson County)
Laura MacGhee (Lane County)
Curtis Martin (Baker County)
Lynn McKee (Benton County)
Denise Rowcroft (Deschutes County)
Robert and Carla Williams (Douglas County)
More than 10 years:
Scott and Tina Andersen (Polk County)
Barbara Dumesnil (Lane County)
Kane and Nancy Maasdam (Wallowa County)
Dennis and Julie Reynolds (Grant County)
Elaine LaRochelle (Union County)
Central Electrical Training Facility (Linn County)
FaceBook Prineville Data Center (Crook County)
Food For Lane County (Lane County)
Linn Benton Community College (Benton County)
Mike Becker Construction (Union County)
Private Forests Division, Oregon Dept. of Forestry (Statewide FNR)
2017 Winners
Less than 10 years:
Bill and Susan Lake (Hood River/Wasco Counties)
Bob Donaldson (Coos/Curry Counties)
Cat Kizer (Southern Oregon)
Debi Ashton (Josphine County)
Gene and Sue Nesbitt (Yamhill County)
Mike Buettner (Deschutes County)
Robert Cecil (Lane County)
Tamela Malby (Marion County)
More than 10 years:
Bruce Dunn (Wallowa County)
Dixie Williams (Douglas County)
Dolores May (Polk County)
Earl Esler (Douglas County)
Rolen Johnson (Union County)
Sheryl Casteen (Linn County)
Sheryl Hall (Clackamas County)
Shirley Purcell (Douglas County)
Albany Rifle & Pistol Club/Albany Gun Club (Statewide 4-H Program)
American Association of University Women (Tillamook County & Central Oregon)
Lane County Home & Garden Shows (Lane County)
Better Together – Central Oregon Regional Achievement Collaborative (Central Oregon)
Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods (Oregon Metro Area)
Citizens for Benton County Extension PAC (Benton County)
Clatsop Forestry & Wood Products Economic Development Committee (Clatsop County)
Joseph United Methodist Church and its Magic Garden (Wallowa County)
Linn Benton Food Share (Linn County & Benton County)
Mindy Winegar on Behalf of the Grant County Fair Board & Staff (Grant County)
Oregon Hunters Association (Statewide 4-H Program)
Oregon Tree Farm System (Statewide Forestry Program)
Seafood Oregon (Coastal Oregon)
Hampton Lumber Mills Warrenton Division (Clatsop County)
Wilsonville Carpet and Tile (Clackamas County)
2016 Winners
Less than 10 years:
Marie Clement (Marion County)
Ron Hillers (Jackson County)
John Kailey (Deschutes County)
Jim Liskey (Marion County)
Karen & Joe Rinehart (Wallowa County)
Darrel Ward (Polk County)
Wade Bryant & John M. Lane (Statewide 4-H)
More than 10 years:
Carla & Gary Albright (Tillamook County)
Jim Bays (NWREC)
Mike Darcy (Clackamas County)
Merv & Sally Flemming (Deschutes County)
Chuck Packard (Multnomah County)
Terri Siddoway (Baker County)
Norma Thiele Talburt (Douglas County)
TRICO Farms (Roben, Dwight, Alfred & Bonnie Arnoldus) (Union County)
Cynthia Weber (Chicken Coop Manager) (Clatsop County)
Cabela’s World’s Foremost Outfitter (Nick Beraldo, Keri Beraldo, Daniel Beraldo) (Statewide 4-H)
Coastal Farm and Ranch (Buzz Wheeler, Joe Clemens, Jess Ropp) (Lane County)
Community of Christ Church (Sandy Schubert, Bob Donkins, Troy Barnhart) (Lane County)
Oregon Small Woodlands (Jim James, Rick Barnes) (Statewide Forestry)
Pacific Foods (Jon Gehrs) (Multnomah County)
Umatilla County Fair Sale Committee (Marie Linnell) (Umatilla County)
Wild Rivers Coast Alliance (Jim Seeley, Marie Simonds, Jon Bowles) (Curry County)
Crook Cty. Ag. Extension Service District Advisory Bd. (Mike McCabe, Bill McCormack) (Crook Cty)
2015 Winners
Less than 10 years:
Elizabeth Perez (Yamhill County)
Gary Jordan (Lane County)
Helmuth Rogg (North Willamette Research & Extension Center)
John Jiricek (Polk County)
Katrina Van Dis (Deschutes County)
Scottie Jones, Leaping Lamb Farm Stay (Benton County)
More than 10 years:
Jean Wetzel (Deschutes County)
John Walton (Polk County)
Katie Lompa & Gary English – High Desert Green Industry Conference (Deschutes County)
Peggy Harris (Washington County)
Mark Labhart (Tillamook County)
Rayma Davis (Douglas County)
Albany Democrat Herald (Linn County)
Basin Mediactive KLAD Radio Station (Rob Siems) (Klamath County)
Elk Meadow Elementary School (Deschutes County)
GROW Healthy Kids & Communities-School Program Partners (Columbia/Klamath/Clackamas Ctys.)
Elkhorn Media Group (Union County)
Let’s Talk Diversity Coalition (Jefferson County)
Mercy Foundation Healthy Kid Outreach Program (HKOP) (Douglas County)
Moir Construction (Steve & Lynetta Moir) (Lane County)
Tillamook Bay Community College Board of Education (Tillamook County)
Wallowa School District (Wallowa County)
OR Forest Res. Institute (OFRI) Michael Cloughesy, Norie Dimeo-Ediger (Statewide Forestry)
Office of the State Veterinarian, Dr. Brad LeaMaster, Dr. Ryan Scholz, Madeline Benoit (4-H Statewide)
OSUEA Cooperator Award Recipients 1977 – 2014
Updated: March 2024