A life membership is available to retired or retiring OSUEA members. This status occurs when the retiree makes a one-time dues payment. Life members are encouraged to attend OSUEA events and conferences. Life members are welcome to be active and participate in all aspects of the Association. Additional information related to OSUEA Life Membership is located just below.

OSUEA Life Members


(mpw) Downing, Troy

(mpw) Hunt, Susan

(mpw) Lesmeister, Marilyn

(mpw) Lundeberg, Roberta

(mpw) White, David


(mpw) Houglum, Lyla

(mpw) Williams, John

(mpw) Withee, Shana


(mpw) Bondi, Mike


(mpw)Bourdeau, Virginia

(mpw) Reed, Scott

(mpw) Schmall, Vicki


(mpw) Avery, Vicki

(mpw) Bowman, Sally

(mpw) Brandt, Jeanne

(mpw) Besse, Steve*

(mpw) Coolican Patricia*

(mpw) Cowan, Janice

(mpw) Easley, Mona*

(mpw) Gingrich, Gale*

(mpw) Karow, Russ

(mpw) Kershaw, Nancy

(mpw) Larwood, Lillian

(mpw) Mills, Randy

(mpw) Oehler, Nellie

(mpw) Penhallegon, Ross

(mpw) Skubinna, Tammy


(mpw) Johnson, Duane (was issued the initial OSUEA Life Membership)

(presented with mpw) = Myrtlewood Paperweight — each new life member receives one.


Updated: June 2023

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