OSUEA and each affiliate have recognition as an important part of membership. Service to the organization, leadership, curriculum design, teaching, research, communication tools, innovative programming and audience impact are recognized by professionals in each affiliate and by OSUEA. Additionally, the OSU Extension Service helps facilitate several recognition options.


The 2025 application deadline for OSUEA Faculty and Staff Awards: TBA
The 2025 application deadline for OSUEA Search for Excellence Awards: TBA
The 2025 application deadline for OSUEA Cooperator Awards: TBA

The 2025 application deadline for OSU Extension Service Awards and Grants: TBA

OSUEA Faculty and Staff Awards

Hoecker (OSUEA) Newer Faculty/Professional Faculty (non-admin) Award – The newer faculty award recognizes superior achievement for faculty with less than 7 years of Extension experience. Awardees will receive a plaque and an award stipend, sponsored by the Hoecker Family Endowment.  Up to 2 awards will be given.

Hoecker (OSUEA) Experienced Faculty/Professional Faculty (non-admin) Award – The experienced faculty award recognizes superior achievement for faculty with 7 years or more of Extension experience. Awardees receive a plaque and an award stipend, sponsored by the Hoecker Family Endowment.  Up to 2 awards will be given.

OSUEA Professional Faculty (administrative support) – Professional (administrative support) faculty includes non-classified positions that provide support to program, administrative, or serve operational functions of the OSU Extension Service.  The purpose of this award is to recognize and reward outstanding and exceptional service to the organization by professional faculty (administrative support) members within the OSU Extension Service.

OSUEA Educational Program Assistant Recognition – The OSU Extension Service employs educational program assistants (EPA) who manage and assist in many program areas. Educational Program Assistants are non-clerical, classified employees under the direction of Extension faculty who assist in coordination, promotion, and evaluation of program elements. Part-time and full-time EPAs who have been on staff for at least one year are eligible for this award. They do not need to be a member of OSUEA to be eligible.

OSUEA Classified Staff Award – This award is to recognize and reward outstanding and exceptional service by classified and management employees within the Oregon State University Extension Service. The recipient will receive a plaque. They do not need to be a member of OSUEA to be eligible.

OSUEA Team Award – The award recognizes efforts on the part of a team of Extension Faculty, staff or both in responding a specific educational program or effort within the OSU Extension Service.

View more about OSUEA Faculty and Staff Awards.

OSUEA Search for Excellence Awards

OSUEA Search for Excellence Award – The OSUEA Search for Excellence program recognizes outstanding Extension education effort, innovation and impact.  Only current members of the OSU Extension Association are eligible to enter. For team projects to be considered, at least one project leader must be a member of OSUEA.  Applications for both teams and individuals in a wide range and scale of deserving programs from county to multi-state efforts are considered.  Programs/projects completed within the past 2 years are eligible.

OSUEA Cooperator Awards

OSUEA Cooperator Awards  –  Each year, OSUEA honors individuals, organizations and businesses who have made significant contributions to Extension programs. It is through these cooperators that Extension is able to accomplish so much. Awards are given in the following categories:

A. Individuals with fewer than 10 years of service
B. Individuals with 10 years or more of service
C. Businesses or organizations (no time limit)

OSU Extension Service Awards

The Oscar Hagg Extension Communications Award – To recognize superior and distinguished achievement by Extension personnel–individuals, groups, and teams–who have helped Oregonians resolve difficult problems through Extension education programs by effectively utilizing planned, innovative and creative communications skills, techniques, and vehicles and technology.  The recipient will receive $1,000. One-half of the amount will be used by the recipient(s) in their current or prospective Extension communication program; the other half will be used by the recipient(s) at their discretion to fund activities that will enhance their professional effectiveness (e.g., travel to professional meetings, additional training, purchase of books or subscriptions to journals).

Hoecker Extension Innovative and Replication Grants Program – The Dale and Alice Hoecker family established the Extension Innovative Grants Program in 2001 to encourage and support Extension faculty in developing/replicating and delivering programs that address a high priority need of an Oregon target audience through creative and innovative approaches. This grants program is funded by the Hoecker Family Endowment set up in 1993. This program is only for new projects or programs (funding existing programs is not allowed). The project may be a replication program or of new design but must be “new” for the respective applicant, please list additional project funding sources. Grant award total for category is $4,000, can be distributed among awarded applications or whole amount to one awarded application.

  • 2 Letters of support required

Updated: January 2025