Master Gardeners give on Dam Proud Day: a personal ask from Dr. Gail Langellotto

Today is the day to act. 

Over the past month, you have heard the stories of Oregon State University’s Extension Master Gardener volunteers. Master Gardeners are neighbors, friends, and family members who volunteer their time to cultivate resilient and healthy communities through sustainable horticulture education and gardening projects that are rooted in science. Master Gardener volunteers work across the state in community gardens, at farmers markets, in schools, and online to support sustainable gardening success for all gardeners.

Today, you have an opportunity to help us continue this important work. For Oregon State University’s Dam Proud Day, we are fundraising to support the Seed to Supper Program and an update of our foundational textbook, the Sustainable Gardening Handbook. The Seed to Supper program is an introductory vegetable gardening course for beginning and low-income gardeners, that includes considerations for gardeners who don’t have easy access to land. Our Sustainable Gardening Handbook is the text used to teach new Master Gardener volunteers. We need to update this resource, to include advances in the science of sustainable gardening, as well as consideration of climate change impacts on Oregon gardeners.

Donations can be as low as $5. A symbolic gift of $50 recognizes the 50 years that the Master Gardener Program has been serving communities across the United States!

All together, all on one day. Every donation helps us get closer to our goal, and unlocking the FIVE challenge grant gifts that we have set up.

Please join us by making a gift to the Statewide Master Gardener Program fund for Dam Proud Day.

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