Author Archives: wendlerb

About wendlerb

I didn't drown.

Lost PO

EOU called and told me they had a PO that wasn’t showing up in any approval queues.  I checked to make sure posting was running and it was.  I found it in fobuapp but still with a status of new.  … Continue reading

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Controllers reported the form NBAFISC was giving an error: EDIT_COAS trigger raised unhandled exception…no data found. This error was only happening in database osba.  If you clicked on ok, the form would populate a row and bing up the error … Continue reading

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Pcard Issue

Controllers had a pcard invoice Z0001710 which didn’t post.  Investigating I found a previous pcard JV in suspense in addition to the missing invoice.  The JV didn’t post because it ran the first of the month when controllers forgot to … Continue reading

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Problem posting across to periods when backdating a JV on last day of period Sara,  as Mike indicated, this has been around since the dawn of Banner FIS. It does not happen all that often but it does happen. Usually … Continue reading

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Had a JV file from chps blow up the entire iitfeed and it had to happen naturally on the day telecom was trying to load their JV.  The logs for this aren’t always the easiest to follow with all the … Continue reading

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EOU Student ACH

Well, after we figured out how to do checks we found EOU wants to feed the ERFD detail code tbraccd records through the feed and process as ACH in the AP direct deposit run.  This has proved to be a … Continue reading

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EOU ar/fis feed checks

EOU now has 3 checks that they produce: A/P checks, student checks, student refund checks.  The feed has to deal with 2 of them without screwing up the A/P check process.  In order to accommodate this,  on demand student checks … Continue reading

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iitfeed out of balance

Got a report from Shanon that the input and output for monday’s iitfeed didn’t match.  They were off $823555.76  That day’s feed had 2 docs VA841519 and VA841551.  I looked at the history table, fwbfedh, for VA8411519 and found the … Continue reading

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Ellucian Live

Ellucian Live had 2 motivational speakers this year at the opening and closing sessions who were pretty good I thought.  I know some prefer a celebrity but they did a nice job.  The conference for the first time combined sessions … Continue reading

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Got an email that chkload aborted.  We recently added a parameter ALL to do all the schools with 1 job submission.  There are some drawbacks.  If a file load has a bad record, sqlldr returns with an error and the … Continue reading

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