The Final Hours!!!

Well… I am now in the final hours before the trip starts! I am really excited but also very nervous! I do not like flying alone so that is why I am nervous but I can not wait to see and learn as much as I can!

My flight leaves tomorrow morning at 6AM!!! (OMG is right!) I’m going to die haha so that means I will be leaving my house at 3:45 AM!!!! It is going to be a very busy and tiring day but it will be so worth it! I can not wait to get there and meet up with everyone and just begin this 2015 OSU MidWest AG Tour!!!

I honestly do not know what to expect when I get there! I did not grow up around much agriculture so I am excited to learn about how they do it in the MidWest. Our schedule during the week is very busy visiting all different places. It is very exciting! I can not wait to visit everywhere and learn everything. My main goal about this trip (if you can not already tell) is to learn as much as I can!

Hope you all are enjoying my blog. I will get more in depth with pictures and the places we visit once I get there! Also, if you want to see more go to our hashtag on either facebook, twitter or instagram: #15MWAGTOUR  I can’t wait to share this experience with everyone!





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