Over But Will Never Forget

Well the trip is over and I am now home! I am happy and sad that it is over. I really enjoyed touring all over the Midwest and learning about their agriculture but I am also very happy to be home. This class was one of the best classes I have ever taken through OSU. I am very happy I got the opportunity to take it. There was soo much to do/learn on this trip. Their were a lot of firsts on this trip as well. For example, I saw my first soybean plant! which was awesome I have never seen one before. Also, I got to milk a cow for the first time. It was very exciting haha Now I want my own cow to milk. I tried sheep cheese for the first time. I did not like it very much but I still tried it. Oh and I got to watch someone AI a gilt. That was probably my favorite. It was really interesting on how he got the semen for the boar to putting it in the gilt. It was very fascinating. There were a lot more first experiences and just plain awesome ones. This was the best trip ever. I went in only knowing one or two people and now left being friends with all 15 others. If this trip happens next year, I will definitely be the first one to sign up!

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