First time blogging; I have absolutely NO idea what I’m doing (blogging wise). For my portrait, I’m planning on doing p53. I’m planning on a 2-D portrait with the p53 protein as a guardian angel latching onto a segment of DNA. Only, I’m going make the amino acids of the protein look like stars with a ghostly superimposed image of an guardian angel wrapped around it like a ghost, holding onto the segment of DNA which is going to also be star like– kind of like a segment of a galaxy. I want it to look almost like a photograph taken by the Hubble… only as a protein interacting with DNA with a ghostly guardian angel being formed from the protein. I also haven’t decided on the media, but I think it’ll be a mix between watercolor, ink, and digital correction. Now, let’s just see if I can pull it off. (Haha, I have never done anything like this before, artwise. This isn’t going to turn out well. I honestly think I’m biting off more that I can chew.)
Just in case I bored you all to sleep with my blah-blah, here’s a picture of me at the Lingshan Buddhist Temple in Wuxi, China. There’s a pigeon on my head. I think it’s kind of funny.
When I look at a model of p53 bound to DNA, I see at least a couple of wings… angel wings, no doubt. One clever artist who goes by May_k (at ) portrays proteins using a 2D “pen and ink” style. I wonder if those p53 angel wings might come through in a similar style?