How to insert a picture into a post

This weekend you should:

  • Choose a protein
  • Render its image in 3D using the tools in the protein data bank
  • Orient the protein with as much artistic flair as you can muster, and
  • Post the image as a jpg picture.

That last step might be a little tricky the first time.  Below is a a clip from the dashboard showing you which button to use. Position your screen cursor where you want the picture to be inserted in your post, press the red-circled button, and follow your file system to the location where you stored the image. (I usually get an error if I try using the “Flash loader”. If that happens to you, try the “Browser loader” instead. I have hardly any idea what that means, but as long as it helps me bend the universe to my wishes…). The button that finally posts the image is near the bottom of the loader screen. Play around. It didn’t work smoothly for me the first time, but I finally caught on.

PS  Our blog site is allowed 50 MB of storage space, so please try to keep the images fairly small.

Have fun.


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