
Personal Injuries That Can Occur While On Campus

Going off to school is an exciting time for any student and marks the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. Here they can pursue their academic passions and ultimately embark on a career that their further education prepares them for. The prospect of starting your first semester at college, making lifelong friends, and experiencing life as a student on campus is an opportunity you will remember fondly for years to come. To ensure you look back on good memories only, this article will highlight some of the common accidents that can occur on campus to help you keep your wits about you and well out of harm’s way.

Dorm Security
Accommodation on campus must have appropriate security measures in place to ensure the safety of its students. This will include things like 24-hour surveillance cameras, secure entrances, adequate lighting and security officers who keep an eye on who enters and leaves the building.

Without these measures, students are at risk of having their possessions stolen through people breaking and entering as well as having their physical safety jeopardized. This could potentially leave a college open to personal injury claims by students. If you have suffered an injury or loss as a result of negligence on the part of your college you may be entitled to compensation. You can find out more by booking a free consultation with an experienced  Personal Injury Attorney.

While banned on most college campuses, hazing is an activity which many fraternities and sororities still indulge in, often pressuring students to participate in certain rites of passage that involve embarrassing or dangerous activities with little to no concern for the safety of the individuals involved .

Defined asany action that endangers the physical, emotional, mental health or safety of an individual, or destroys or damages personal property for the purpose of initiation, membership, admission or participation in a group or organization”, hazing can lead to serious injuries such as alcohol poisoning, suffocation, third degree burns, internal injuries and in some cases, death.

Over 50% of college students claim to have been involved in college clubs and organizations where they were subjected to  hazing activities such as drinking games, sleep deprivation, being screamed, yelled or cursed at as well as experiencing physical abuse such as beating or paddling.

Slip and Fall Accidents
Students can injure themselves while on campus as a result of  slip and fall accidents. This could be the result of things like uneven floors, missing or broken steps, inadequate lighting or icy walkways. It is incumbent upon colleges to ensure their premises are structurally sound and safe for students to use without risk of injury.

Some of the most common injuries that result from slips and falls include sprains, strains, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, concussions, and fractures. To avoid any premises liability or personal injury claims, colleges should ensure any unsafe areas are clearly marked as inaccessible to students and staff and steps should be taken to begin repairs as soon as possible.

These are just some of the common types of personal injuries which students can incur while at college. Being aware of them will enable  you to be more mindful of your actions and surroundings, helping you to stay safe during your studies.