
6 Ways Gen-Z is Changing The Way People Shop

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

If you’re like most people, you probably think that all of the Gen-Zers are still in middle school or high school and their purchasing power isn’t anything to worry about just yet. It turns out, however, that Gen-Zers are having a profound effect on how people shop, regardless of whether they are teenagers or in their early 20s. This can be easily noted by checking any Gen-Z shopping statistics. And given that Gen-Z has been called the “me, me, me” generation, it’s not surprising that these young adults have drastically different shopping habits than their predecessors.

6 Ways Gen-Z is Changing the Way People Show

1) Shopping Online

About 23% of Gen Z consumers prefer to shop online versus in stores, whereas only 15% of millennials said they preferred to shop online. Gen Zers are likely to have grown up with smartphones and have been using them from a young age. They’re also heavy users of social media and have become used to purchasing items on their phones. As a result, they’re more comfortable buying online than millennials are. In fact, 64% of Gen Z shoppers say that shopping online is easier than going to a store. This can be attributed to an overall increase in digital savvy among younger generations; as people get older, they become less comfortable with technology. So while it might seem like millennials are ahead when it comes to tech use—for example, about 45% use voice search daily compared to about 20% of baby boomers—it’s important not to underestimate how quickly younger generations can adapt and learn new technologies.

2) Social Media

This age group was born into a world of social media and their preferences reflect that. Certain surveys have shown that 90% of Generation Z respondents would be more likely to make a purchase from a company whose product they saw on Instagram. Additionally, 76% said they would not even consider buying an item without looking at its reviews first. In order to appeal to Gen Z shoppers, companies will need to put content out there in relevant places like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest—not just Instagram. It’s also important for brands to include visuals in their social media campaigns as these days Gen Z shoppers are accustomed to looking at pictures before making a decision about whether or not they want something. Moreover, Gen-Z is now even buying directly from social media, leading to the rise of social commerce.

4) Influencers

In a recent survey, 96% of Gen Z respondents said they would consider buying products or services if an influencer recommended them. That’s why it’s more important than ever to find young, influential people who can promote your brand and help you reach Gen Z shoppers. Knowing what motivates young shoppers will help you make better partnerships with influencers and create more effective marketing campaigns for your business. For example, 73% of Gen Zers say that quality content is one of their top considerations when deciding whether to purchase something online. A good way to appeal to these shoppers might be providing high-quality content on your website or social media pages that helps customers learn about your products and services before making a purchase decision.

5) Brands & Advertising

Though there are many different ways brands are connecting with Gen Z, one thing is clear: they’re trying to connect with them in a way that feels genuine. Instead of saturating their feeds with products or advertisements, brands like Nestle Purina Petcare and Sizzle have created engaging content that appeals to these consumers – whether it’s about making people laugh, challenging them to learn more about something new, or even just providing entertainment without an ulterior motive. The bottom line? It’s not enough for brands to simply post what they want anymore; if you want to be successful, you need to create real connections.

6) Retail Stores

This generation has been raised in a world of technology and instant gratification. We are accustomed to online shopping where we can order something in minutes and get it delivered just as fast. Traditional brick and mortar stores will have to adapt or they will lose out on revenue.