Center for Teaching and Learning Fellows Program 2022 Showcase

Wednesday, June 1st from 11:00 to 11:50 a.m.

Hear highlights from the Center for Teaching and Learning Fellows in the Colleges of Agriculture, Engineering, Science, and OSU-Cascades. These dedicated faculty are bridging college-specific teaching faculty needs with resources provided by our program partners in CTL, Academic Technologies, and Ecampus. Celebrate their successes while considering what’s next! Register now!

Applying Lessons Learned to Teaching Faculty Development

Pandemic teaching has shown us the importance of community building among teaching faculty and building in spaces and time for them to learn together. It’s also provided opportunities to reflect and consider innovative approaches, such as blended learning approaches. As a part of his CTL Fellows work, Adam Lambert, in the College of Engineering has conducted a needs assessment, including lessons learned and opportunities in moving forward. Now is the time for us to apply lessons learned at the college and institutional level to support our teaching faculty and student success! Attend and envision how.

Sneak Peak at OSU 2022-’23 We Care About Teaching Campaign

During the showcase, there will also be a sneak peak of the CTL 2022-’23 We Care About Teaching Campaign. Let’s celebrate and support our OSU teaching faculty! Learn how partnering with the CTL Fellows program can play a critical role in strengthening and innovating your college’s teaching faculty in the upcoming year. Contact with questions.

Further Reading

For further reading on faculty professional development and the pandemic, see the following:

Kuntz, A., Sara Davis, & Erica Fleming. (2022, May 3). 7 Ways the Pandemic Changed Faculty Development. EDUCAUSE Review.

Supiano, Becky. (2022, April 14). Teaching Fresh Approaches to Faculty Development. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Newsletter.

Baker, V., & Lutz, C. (2021). Faculty Development Post COVID19: A Cross-Atlantic Conversation and Call to ActionJournal of the Professoriate12(1).


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