By Leah Anderson,

Spring term at OSU is both the best of times and the worst of times. The sun is finally out (usually) and Corvallis comes out of hibernation. Suddenly there is so much to do. Frisbees need throwing, hikes need to be taken, not to mention the wide array of slip-n-slides and lawn volleyball games that are suddenly popping up everywhere. Unfortunately, you are also still a student…taking classes that still need your attention. Like I said, the best and worst of times.

Personally, I take a kind of divide and conquer approach to surviving this mixed bag of a term. Each day I separate my homework into two categories: that which I can do while soaking up the sun, and that which I have to do inside. The trick is to be honest. Are you really capable of reading that incredibly long textbook while basking in the warm sunlight, or are you just asking for a nap?

Secondly, I make constant use of my planner. Spring term is typically packed with barbecues with friends, crazy activities in the quad (snowboarding anyone?), and community-sponsored events downtown –you are going to find your precious free time packed with fun things to do. Make sure you are setting aside time to study for your upcoming midterms and quizzes. Nothing’s worse than the anxiety of school keeping you from having a good time with your friends.  Visit the Academic Success Center in Waldo 102 to attend a workshop on test taking or talk with an academic coach about managing your time so that you are making the most efficient use of your study time.

Beware of procrastination. If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed or lacking motivation to press on with your studies (aka spring fever), consider making an appointment with your academic advisor. These people are full of helpful suggestions and resources that can help you get back on track. I’ve also found that putting together informal study groups with my peers helped to keep me accountable for the schoolwork I am so tempted to avoid. Good luck!


By Kerry Thomas, Academic Advisor

Hey First year students,

Can you believe it? You made it all the way to spring term of your first year in college! By now, you probably know which dining hall is the best (and worst), where to go when you really need to get some studying done, and where the best coffee in town is.  Your first year of college is full of discovery, change, and transition. Many of you changed roommates or dorms, eating and exercise habits, sleep habits, and developed a new group of friends here in Corvallis.

In the name of celebrating this year of transition, our College and Major advising offices would like to invite you all to a matriculation ceremony to learn more about your current or prospective major. You probably already received an E-vite for your current major ceremony, but you might not be sure what to expect.

Basically this is an opportunity for you to meet your major advisor and other first year students who have the same major. There will also be faculty and upper class students from your major who will talk about classes, involvement, research opportunities, and other cool aspects of the department. When you get ready to sign up for fall term classes, you will need to get a new registration pin from your major advisor; attending this ceremony is also a great opportunity to meet them prior to the start of registration in mid-May. If all that wasn’t exciting enough, there’s also going to be pizza, so make sure to check it out!

If you know that the major you have declared is not the one you want to keep, feel free to check out another matriculation ceremony to get a sense for what other majors in the college are like. It is very common for students to change majors at least once during their time in college.  These ceremonies provide a unique opportunity for you to “meet your major” before making the decision to declare that major.

See the table below for a complete list of all of the ceremonies across the College of Liberal Arts.

Department Date Location
Psychology1 Tuesday, April 10th 6-7 pm Moreland 206
Psychology2 Wednesday, April 11th 6-7 pm Moreland 206
English Wednesday, April 11th, 4:00 pm Moreland 330
Political Science Thursday, April 12th, 4:00 pm Gilkey 305
Economics Friday, April 13th, 4:00 pm Ballard 310
Foreign Languages Tuesday, April 17, 4:00 pm Kidder 210
Sociology Thursday, April 19th, 4:00 pm Stag 310
Anthropology and Women Studies* Thursday, April 19th, 5:00 pm Stag 310
Speech Communication Thursday, April 19th, 5:30 pm Shepard 101
History Monday, April 23rd, 4:00 Milam 301
Philosophy Monday, April 23rd, 4:00 pm Milam 301
NMC Wednesday, April 25th, 5:00 pm Stag 402

* Students interested in Ethnic Studies should attend this ceremony.

By Randi Williams

Hello fellow beavers and welcome to spring term! Though the weather may seem no different than winter, trust me, once things to start to warm up, spring in Corvallis is great. All the big events happen in the spring, and maybe it’s just me, but I think the sun puts people in  happier moods. That being said there’s something else we college students have to consider this time of the year, what to do with summer vacation. Now that we are “grown-ups” we are expected to be slightly more productive than those lazy summer days in high school, but it can be hard to know where to start mapping  out a worth while yet still enjoyable summer. As a senior, I have three years of summer experience though to share with you!

One great opportunity that all college students should take advantage of at least once is a summer internship. A summer internship allows you to spend an extended period of time gaining experience in your field while not having to worry about homework and classes. Depending on the amount of time you are willing to commit, internships can be full or part-time.  Both are without a doubt beneficial, however I recommend a full time experience so that you can get a true sense of what a career in your field will feel like. Another appealing aspect of internships is that some are paid; you can gain experience and little extra spending money! I encourage you to pursue an internship even if it is unpaid, as was the case with mine. The networking and experience will be worth it in the long run. Most importantly though, internships add real world experience to your resume so that you can show future employers that you have experience doing what they would need you to do.

Finding internship opportunities can be a challenge.  A good strategy is to simply research the type of company/business you would love to one-day work for and see if they offer internships. If they don’t, approach them about creating one. This shows initiative, and few people will turn down free help, that’s the tactic I used to create my internship. If you’re at a loss as to where to work or can’t find anything appealing I suggest simply being aware of opportunities advertised on campus. There are signs posted on every bulletin board for different groups and opportunities, and inevitably as summer approaches they begin to recruit for summer internships. KidSpirit for instance is a program through OSU that allows interns to spend all day outside working with kids and getting paid.  Make sure that you check with your major advising office as well as career services, they often have employers contact them looking for undergraduate interns.

As wonderful as internships sound they aren’t always an option. You may find yourself in the same situation I did two years ago with a bank account so low that you can’t afford to be picky about getting career-related experience. While this may not be  ideal, all experience is good experience in my opinion, and whether or not they work in your field any boss can give you a recommendation in the future, so be sure to make a good impression. Jobs that you wouldn’t have looked for as a career can also open your mind up to ideas and people you wouldn’t have normally encountered. Personally, working as a maid in a 5-Star hotel one summer exposed me to new levels of both wealth and poverty, knowledge that I will be able to apply to my future career as a teacher.

However your summer ends up looking, make sure to enjoy the time you have to relax, bask in the sunshine and catch-up with friends and family you may not get to see during the school year. And remember, any experience can be worthwhile.





By Alison Blazer

Welcome to Spring Term in Corvallis! Believe it or not, now is the time to start looking for off campus housing for the upcoming Fall. For many students who plan to leave the Residence Halls at the end of the school year, the housing search is a brand new process. When I was a Freshman I was clueless as to when to start the process or what the process itself entailed. I’m here to give you a few helpful tips. This is the information that every student planning to move off campus needs, but doesn’t know to ask for!

Tip #1: Start Early!

Starting your housing search early is the key to finding the right property for you, especially if you’re interested in living close to campus. The rule of thumb is that after spring break (although many students begin their searches even before winter term ends) is the time to start seriously looking into your housing options.

Tip #2: Find compatible roommates

Starting the search is easier said than done if you have yet to lock down roommates for next year. Consider those who are closest to you and who you can see yourself living with, but beware of drama! There’s always the possibility that you could run into points of disagreement, even when living with your best friends. Living with someone puts a new kind of stress on relationships/friendships so make sure to discuss some “house rules” and cleanliness preferences before committing!

Tip #3: Utilize property management companies

How do you go about finding a place to live? Unfortunately, “looking” for a place to live is not as simple as picking a place you like and figuring out who’s in charge of the property. However, Corvallis has dozens of property management companies designed to help you in this process! These companies are located all around town and can be found easily online (just Google “Corvallis property management” and your computer will be flooded with options). Each of these companies owns properties around Corvallis and can provide you with a comprehensive list of their currently vacant properties as well as explain the steps of their application process. From here on, it’s relatively smooth sailing.

Tip #4: Lock down a location

Once you’ve found an available apartment/house etc., the next step is locking down the space, guaranteeing that you’ll have a “home sweet home” to come back to in Corvallis after the summer. Once you’ve turned in an application for a property, and it has been accepted, there are just a few remaining steps. The majority of properties require: the signing of a lease (the housing contract), a co-signer agreement (for those who don’t plan on paying rent by themselves, but have help from their parents or another source etc.), a security deposit (to cover any possible damages that could occur during residency) and first and last months rent. The details of the requirements for specific properties can be found on the management company’s website.

Tip #5: Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Property management employees know that they’re renting to a lot of first time renters, so don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t feel like you’re signing a contract by walking into a management office—they’re there to help you! Give them a call with a simple question or drop into any office to get a walk through of the application process and see what properties are available. No one expects you to be an expert! Don’t hesitate to ask upperclassmen for help, and a quick phone call to the parents, the most experienced people of all, couldn’t hurt either.

Follow these tips and you will have a place to call home next Fall! Good look to each and every one of you on your search, and remember to celebrate. Moving into your own apartment/house is one step closer to adulthood and independence, embrace it!


By Mary Chuinard, Academic Advisor

How would you like to make bank for writing an essay?  “Show me the money” you say? Well this isn’t Jerry Maguire but I can tell you that the College of Liberal Arts scholarships for the 2012-2013 school year are open and receiving applications.

Our College has six scholarships just for CLA majors. Check out our website to see if you are eligible to apply for that money. Don’t wait because the application deadline is Friday, March 30th, 2012.

Scholarships are worth the time you put in to them. Think about it this way, if you spend two hours working on a $400 scholarship that you receive, you are basically earning $200/hour for your time and effort. Make sure to utilize the Writing Center on Campus to review your application materials prior to submission so that they are as good as they can be!

There are many places to find scholarship money.  Just a few are listed below: (national level) (state level) (OSU specific) (College of Liberal Arts specific)

Remember to check your local charitable organizations (e.g. Lions and Elks clubs), your bank or credit union, your parents’ place of work or any other organization in which you have affiliation for other scholarship opportunities.

Application deadlines vary for all of the above scholarships. If you finda scholarship that you are perfect for but the deadline has passed, mark your calendar and apply next year.

Remember to check out our website soon to see if you are eligible for any of our College scholarships and get your application in to our office in Gilkey 213, by 5:00pm on Friday, March 30th, 2012.


By Alison Blazer

Hello current and prospective CLA students! It’s a common goal among university students nationwide to want to fit some travelling into their college experience.  Even with so many eager students, only 3% of the OSU student body ends up studying abroad, on average per year. I, myself  began looking into study abroad options only 3 short months ago, and was just accepted to study abroad in Chillán, Chile this upcoming Fall! I’m here to tell you that although the process may seem daunting, Oregon State’s campus is full of support and resources to help simplify it every step of the way!

Step 1: Internship or Study Abroad?

Oregon State offers over 200 approved study abroad programs, in variety of locations all over the globe. Another, more hidden opportunity is IE3 Global Internships. OSU allows students to intern in businesses around the world in order to prepare them for the global job market. Each program, whether it be a study abroad experience or an internship, has different benefits. That’s why finding the right program for you can be the trickiest part! Which leads me to Step 2…

Step 2: Attend a First Steps Meeting

The office of International Programs holds First Steps Meetings Monday through Friday, at noon and 4 pm in Heckart Lodge to get newcomers started on the right track. Attending one meeting is required in order to make an appointment with a Study Abroad advisor. You’ll sit down with students who have returned from studying abroad to discuss the basics of program options, financial options and how to apply. When I attended my First Steps Meetings, I found talking to someone in person made the process seem a lot more manageable. The students who facilitate the meetings know a lot about the process and the options available to students- they’re there to get you ready and excited about going abroad!

Step 3: Make Your Advising Appointments

This step is where some people start to lose steam. In the International Programs office, they require you to pick a location/region because advisors cover specific regions to better serve students. But there’s no pressure!  You can meet with as many advisors from as many different regions as you’d like. Not only will your advising appointment help you to be more confident in your destination choice, but advisors are practically brimming over with information about the various programs available in each country. They’ll discuss your interests here at OSU’s home campus, and how who you are can be incorporated into finding the right program for you. To make an appointment, call the International Programs office at (541) 737-3006. Once you’ve done that, it’s a good idea to make an appointment with your general academic advisor as well. Advisors in the CLA office can help you to examine your coursework and look at how studying abroad or interning abroad can fit into your degree. To contact the CLA Advising Office, call (541) 737-0561.

Step 4: Program Preparation

Once you’ve picked your program or internship, the remainder of your preparation is program specific! There are forms (financial, academic and health) that need to be filled out, and the application for whichever program you choose may require essays, transcripts, recommendations etc. Usually, each program will have it’s own individual checklist that helps students navigate this last leg of applying.

There are a myriad of programs available- including one that’s right for you! Don’t hesitate to talk to your academic advisor about the prospect of studying abroad, even if it’s a ways down the road in your time here at OSU. Get curious and get started!


By: Monica Racicot

Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

It’s never too late to volunteer! I have been volunteering since I was in elementary school. Giving back to my community has always played an important role in my life. When I moved to Oregon from California for school, I made it a priority to continue volunteering my time, even thoughI knew it wasn’t going to be permanent.

My first week at OSU, I participated in the ‘Day of Caring’. I had the pleasure of spending my morning with the lovely Corvallis Fire Department, helping with chores around the station. What a way to start my year! I spent my first winter term, helping out at the Family Tree Relief Nursery in Albany. Family Tree is a community-based child abuse prevention program, providing early intervention services at no cost to high-risk Linn County families with children under the age of six. Once a week I assisted the teachers with classroom and outdoor activities for the kids. I enjoy working with kids so it was a fun experience for me.

The Center for Civic Engagement is a great resource on campus for finding local volunteer opportunities. Here is how they suggest finding opportunities with them:

Step 1:
Visit the Center for Civic Engagement in Snell 158, on their website or on Facebook. Choose a service opportunity, and determine the time period- ongoing or a one time opportunity.

Step 2:
Contact the Coordinator associated with that service opportunity or the Center for Civic Engagement main office email. A representative of the CCE will contact you with additional information.

Step 3:
Pick up a Signup form from the Center for Civic Engagement in Snell 158 (or you may print it out from our website by going to “forms” on the right-hand tool bar).

Step 4:
Get out and volunteer!

Step 5:
Complete the Signup form and turn into the Center for Civic Engagement in Snell 158(or drop in Center for Civic Engagement Drop-Box located outside of the center’s office).


The CCE also offers fun, “alternative Spring Breaks.” They offer 3 trips that focus on 3 different philanthropic areas. Signups are closed now, but to get an idea of what they are offering this year, you could go to Yakima, Washington ($120) and focus on community and cultural engagement, San Francisco, California ($350) and focus on hunger and homelessness, or Newport, Oregon ($240) for environmental restoration. Prices for the trips vary because of location, travel needed, meals, and what you’ll be doing. The Alternative Spring Break program enables students to immerse themselves in a new and different community to learn its historical, sociological, cultural and/or political background.  To find more information, visit their website.

Another way to spend your Spring Break giving back is to take a trip with Students Today Leaders Forever’s ‘Pay it forward’ tour. Here is their spiel-

All STLF College Pay It Forward Tours travel to six cities across the country over the course of nine days.  We will carry out a service project in each of those communities visited; work with a variety of organizations and social issues over the course of the week.  Through evening activities and reflection, the Tour is an opportunity to build meaningful relationships and learn about issues affecting communities across the country and your own.  Each Pay It Forward Tour consists of up to 40 students, is entirely student-led, and is open to all college students regardless of where they go to school.

This year, OSU is headed down the coast of California, helping in Eureka, Santa Rosa, San Jose, Arroyo Grande, Carson and the incredibly gorgeous San Diego. The cost of the Oregon State Pay It Forward Tour is $450.  That amount covers all travel, lodging, two t-shirts, 1 or 2 meals per day, and more.  This includes a $125 nonrefundable down payment upon registration, with the remainder due prior to Tour departure. Although funds are limited, financial aid is available and selected on highest need and order of submission. If you’re interested in this trip, visit their website.

If neither of these options tickles your fancy, you can sign up to be on the CCE email list serv, or follow their great blog to keep yourself informed about upcoming opportunities.

Volunteering is not only good for others; it’s good for YOU too. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, gain important skills and experiences that you will need later on in life; make connections that could lead you to a job or career, and help you stay active in the local community.

Next Day of Caring is September 19, 2012! Mark your calendars!



By Randi Williams

Hello future teachers!

First of all, congratulations on choosing to become a teacher. I’m a senior studying Liberal Studies with an option in elementary education, and can definitely identify with all of you who have found a passion for teaching. Education within the college of Liberal Arts is a great field, but you may have noticed that there are little to no classes that allow you to spend time in a classroom unless you’re part of the college of Education also, and to someone who’s passionate about education and children this seems like a real downfall. We though have an alternative great option to give you real work experience and credits at the same time!

Classroom experience is an opportunity for those of us who want to be teachers in the college of Liberal Arts to spend part of our breaks volunteering in a classroom. You are there receiving a genuine full-day teaching experience the entire time your mentor teacher is working with students including before and after school planning. If you choose to do September Experience you’ll even spend a week in the school planning before students arrive. Not only is this a great way to earn some extra credits before our hectic lives at school start again, it can really give you a taste of what it’s like to be a teacher. All’s well and good when we’re learning about it, but spending all day in a classroom with students is an entirely different experience, and one that all potential teachers should have before they decide to spend the rest of their professional lives educating children.

I personally had the opportunity to complete two classroom experiences. September of my junior year at Oregon State I volunteered in a third grade classroom, and September of this year I split my time between a kindergarten and first grade class. I’ve had the opportunity to take some amazing classes throughout my college career, but I undoubtedly learned more from these two experiences than from any professor. Teachers in general are extremely passionate about what they do, and they love to answer questions and give advice to their mentees. Not only that, they are a great resource for the future when you have questions or need a reference. You’ll also be able to interview other professionals working in the school, an experience that will open your eyes to everything and everyone it takes to make a school run smoothly. I for instance talked with an ESL teacher and a reading specialist, who gave me some great insight into the challenges and the potential of students.

Though all of those opportunities to work with school personnel were great, by far the best aspect of classroom experience is working with the students. I was amazed how attached I became to these kids in just four weeks! Spending so much time with your students you quickly get to know each of them very well, which makes their achievements that much more exciting. I would often work with the students who were struggling, and the joy and pride they felt when finally understanding a concept is contagious, moments like those remind you why you want to be a teacher. It was also during my classroom experience this year that I fully realized the potential impact I could have on these children. One afternoon the first grade teacher I was working with stepped out to find a television for the class, and instructed the students to listen while Ms. Williams read a story. The minute those thirty eyes looked to me I realized that to these students I was their teacher, the person completely responsible for what happens in the classroom. A simple moment like that, where you realize the difference you can make in a child’s life, is something you have to experience in the classroom, not from a lecture or textbook.

If I could make one recommendation to students studying education, it would be to complete as many Classroom experiences as you can. Contact the College of Liberal Arts Advising Office in Gilkey 213, 541-737-0561, to get more information about signing up for a classroom experience.  The preparation we receive for teaching at Oregon State is wonderful, but nothing can compare to actually being in the classroom and seeing first hand what your future will be.

One final note, I would encourage any of you interested in teaching in economically disadvantaged school to look into Teach For America, a program that aims to close the achievement gap by placing teachers in these schools. Browse their website to get an idea of their mission and the opportunities they offer to teachers!



By Joce DeWitt

We are now in week 8 of winter term. This means many things to the hard working students of OSU, but to a large fraction, one of the biggest implications is that basketball intramural season is in full-swing.

I would like to talk to you, CLA prospects and students alike, about getting involved in Intramurals. I’m a major proponent for this type of involvement for many reasons.

1)     Stay in shape AND have fun. While playing in a game once a week may not seem like a big deal, let me assure you that the extra time for exercise in a team sport always seems to come at the right time. I know with my extremely busy schedule, it is tough to maintain a consistent work-out and gym schedule, so for me its an obvious decision to join an IM sport just for that reason alone. But wait, there’s more…

2)    Get to know people you’re around all the time in a different setting. In the past, I’ve always joined Intramural teams with my friends who I know from outside of class and work. But this term, I went in a different direction when I agreed to join the IM Basketball team with the editorial staff of the Daily Barometer (I’m the news editor and I would have felt extremely out of place at work if I hadn’t.) Being able to play a sport and have fun on the court with people I’m usually used to only seeing in the office has made this term so much more fun in a lot of ways. The fact that we are yet to lose a game (3-0… I know… we’re a big deal) gives us so much more to talk about other than work in the office. Maybe it might not help with our production level, but having more fun and camaraderie at work is always worth it.

3)    Brush up on a skill you lost since high school. Since I went to a really small private school, I played basketball, volleyball, soccer and track all four years. When I got to college, I thought that because I wasn’t on a varsity team anymore I wouldn’t get the chance to be competitive and I would lose all my sports abilities. Thanks to IM’s I haven’t lost it. Not to mention, playing is more for fun now than it ever was in high school because it’s not an official league.

For these reasons and more, I recommend anyone look into playing an IM sport while they’re at OSU. Thousands of student fees and funds go into making the facilties amazing (like the new IM fields in front of Dixon) so we might as well take advantage of it. College might be mostly about academics, but it’s not a worth-while experiences without everything that comes along with it.


By Amber Gomes

Hello again!

So this might not be as exciting as my last blog… but it is 100% practical. I don’t know about you but I can think of four friends that have gotten sick within the last week. And if you are busy as I think you probably are you don’t want to be like them! I’m not a doctor but I’m pretty comfortable recommending water + sleep + hand sanitizer / washing your hands often (take your pick) = a combination to prevent, or at least lessen the chance, of getting sick. Like I said, not a doctor, so really the only other thing I can tell you is that the information below may just come in handy for you.

Some of you may not know, but we have Student Health Services (SHS) on campus! Their website is but you can always visit in person (you know if you are sick or something like that) in Plageman, which is right next to Kelley. SHS provides primary medical care for students, treats illnesses and does a lot of health awareness work on campus. I’ve been in there a couple times doing things for a Peace Corps medical evaluation and let me tell you… if they were that helpful with all my crazy demanding paperwork and that nice to me even though I wasn’t sick – I can only imagine how helpful they’d be to someone who didn’t need paperwork filled out and how nice they would be to someone who felt terrible.

Of course you don’t have to be feeling terrible to go in there. One department within SHS is the Health Promotion Department whose mission is “to enhance the health of students through acquisition of knowledge and skills and to provide leadership in the development of a community that supports healthy lifestyles (choices) through ongoing collaborative relationships with the campus and community resources.” What do they do to achieve their mission? Well first, they have programs about Sexual Health, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Sexual Assault Prevention, Alcohol and Other Drugs, Stress and Body Image. Secondly they sponsor events like World AIDS Day, Speakers Bureaus, Health Screenings and Beaver Strides, as well as providing Health Coaching and Tobacco Cessation Services. Thirdly they facilitate the Peer Health Advocates (PHA) which is a group of student volunteers which operates on three levels. They focus on 1. Outreach and Events (which is actually how I thought about writing this blog – I attended the Red Dress Fashion Show which they organized) 2. Social Advocacy and 3. Service Learning. For a volunteer application to PHA or a list of their events (which include things like ‘The Condom Carnival’, ‘Intimacy and Relationships: Talking it Out!’, ‘Penis Bingo’ <I’m not even sure I’m allowed to say that on here>, and ‘How to be an Advocate for Sexual Reproductive Justice’) you can go to

Now to copy SHS I’d like to conclude this with…

Be well Beavers!
