Hannah Whitley, CLA Ambassador

The sun is beginning to peak from behind the clouds, and as OSU students start to get antsy for the upcoming spring break, there is one “final” challenge to conquer.

That’s right! Oregon State has begun its transition from our regular winter term course schedule into dead and finals week. Throughout the next two weeks, an increasing number of students will come to campus in order to place themselves in an environment where they can get their studying done. While this may make it difficult for some to find places to study in well-known areas like the Memorial Union (MU) and Valley Library, a few of my favorite “hidden gem” study spots will remain quiet.

One of my favorite places to study during dead and finals week is the Undergraduate Writing Studio, located in Waldo 126. Formerly home to the university’s Undergraduate Writing Center, the Studio now offers a place where undergraduates are able to receive writing help from trained peers as they write – no appointment necessary.

If you’re looking for a low-key, collaborative place to research, read, and write, the Undergrad Writing Studio is the place for you. With consultants available to check in and give support on everything from research papers and lab write-ups to digital media projects and poster presentations, students are able to receive feedback and step-by-step strategies to help overcome writer’s block and study in a quiet environment.

Not only does the Studio provide a quiet space to study, but presence of consultants on-hand allow for easy, helpful feedback on assignments, papers, and are even helpful in providing clarifications regarding instructor critique. I have spent many hours in the Studio, myself, and have found it to be one of the best places for me to get work done while on campus.

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