Logan Pedersen by Logan Pedersen
This past week I was given the opportunity to travel to an international conference to give a presentation. Over the past three years I have been working in a psychology research lab under the supervision of Dr. Mei-Ching Lien on my own personal research project while collaborating with professors from other universities. Last year I was invited to present this research at the international Psychonomics conference in Long Beach California. Professors from around the world attended the conference to learn more about the cutting edge research that graduate students and faculty have been working on. I was one of only a few undergraduates who was fortunate to be given the opportunity to present at the international conference.

It was at the conference where I met world renowned professors whose work had influenced my research. I also was able to meet my second professor I had been collaborating with in regards to my own research who was from Purdue University. By talking to grad students from other universities about my research I gained incredible insight on graduate programs from universities across the United States within my field of interest. Professors from Australia, Europe, Asia, and from all throughout the US visited my poster to discuss my research with me. The conference was an opportunity that has vastly increased my knowledge within the field of psychology and has provided me with incredible connections for graduate school and beyond. For anyone interested in further education after your undergrad degree I would highly recommend getting involved with undergraduate research. It can provide you with opportunities beyond what you may have ever imagined.

Blair Bowmer     by Blair Bowmer

We’ve all noticed the recent changes in the weather, but perhaps you’ve also been noticing changes in your mood that aren’t changes for the better. You may be experiencing a common type of depression called “Seasonal Affective Disorder” or SAD. Symptoms usually appear during late fall or early winter and may include tiredness or low energy; oversleeping; changes in appetite or weight; difficulty concentrating; withdrawing from friends, family, and social activities; irritability; and more. All of these lead to depression, pessimistic feelings of hopelessness, and lack of pleasure.

If you are experiencing these or similar symptoms now that the frigid weather is upon us, fear not! There are several things you can do to fight SAD. One of the most common is light therapy, where you sit in front of a special type of light for a set amount of time. You can find one of these lights in the Mind Spa, you can check one out at the Valley Library, or you can buy one yourself (I’m using mine now)! Other treatments include medication (which you can get a consultation for at SHS), Ionized-air administration (available in the Mind Spa), and cognitive-behavioral therapy (available through counselors at CAPS). You can also supplement any of these treatments with plenty of vitamin D and exercise, and by making your home environment brighter and spending more time outside.

It’s normal to have a day here and there where you don’t feel your best. However, if you feel down for days at a time and can’t get motivated to do activities you normally like, see a doctor at SHS or a counselor at CAPS. This is especially important if your sleep patterns and appetite have changed or if you feel hopeless, think about suicide, or turn to alcohol for comfort or relaxation. SAD is usually an indicator or specifier of a larger issue like depression or bipolar disorder, so if you experience SAD, it’s important that you talk to someone about it and treat it so it doesn’t worsen and lead to other problems. I personally suffer from SAD every winter. I was having trouble coping, so earlier this week I saw a CAPS counselor. We discussed different strategies and tools for me to use to help manage SAD and I already feel much better than before! If any of the SAD symptoms sound like they could apply to you, I suggest you do what I did. It makes a huge difference, and it will make it a lot easier to finish the term strong! Good luck!


Jon Bosworth  Jon Bosworth

One of my favorite things about being a student at Oregon State is the amazing opportunity to work closely with faculty. I feel like I am surrounded by people seeking to make my time in college as beneficial and transformative as possible. Through interactions with advisors in the College of Liberal Arts, and with my major advisor, I have formed relationships with people who want me to succeed in all of my endeavors. I feel the same way about my time in the classroom. The close emphasis on interactions between professors and students has allowed me to get to know many of my professors and further my learning.

As a Political Science major and member of the University Honors College, I am lucky to take classes with a small number of people. These small, discussion-based classes allow me to connect more directly with professors and enhance my learning. Recently I’ve connected with professors more than ever: utilizing their office hours to ask questions and clarify concepts, speaking with them after class, and starting the process of completing an undergraduate thesis where I am working with a tenured professor one-on-one. Working with a professor allows me to sharpen my research and writing skills and gives me a greater understanding of my field of study. It has been an amazing experience so far and I can’t wait to continue building the relationship with my professor.

If you are at all like me you’re reading this and thinking, “well, this is just a special case, professors don’t actually want to work with undergraduate students, they have better things to do.” That is plain wrong. I’m continually astounded by professors’ willingness to work with students and foster their knowledge. Oregon State University is passionate about creating an environment conducive to collaboration in the learning process. Working with professors and faculty so closely is an opportunity unique to Oregon State and has been one of the highlights of my time here thus far; I encourage you to take advantage of it.

Hannah Whitley Hannah Whitley

If you’re a chronic procrastinator like myself, you may relate to the stress and agony which accompanies putting things off. The act of physically avoiding something on your to-do list is a very challenging task; before we commit to active procrastination, we convince ourselves (with worthy reasoning) that we can delay the task at hand until the very last minute. Collegeview.com claims that the reasons we procrastinate are easy to identify, “We might feel overwhelmed by the task, we may be perfectionists, we may get distracted easily, or perhaps we are just plain lazy.” No matter your justification, there are simple remedies for your “procrastinatory” condition.

Here are a few tips to assist in your eradication of a procrastination lifestyle:

1. Rid your environment of disturbances

a. That’s right – turn off (or silence) your cell phone, exit out of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, turn off the television, and get stuff done.

2. Find a quiet space
a. Physically move yourself to an area without loud conversations and distracting behavior. At OSU, favorite study spots include the MU lounge, Valley Library, cultural centers, and coffee       shops!

3. Set time limits
a. For some procrastinators, it is helpful to divide study time into sections to provide for optimal focus. To start off, tell yourself that you will spend one hour on a subject. Once your hour is    up, take a fifteen-minute bathroom and snack break. Once your break is over, repeat!

4. Find an accountability partner
a. Many students find it helpful to pair up and be responsible for keeping each other on track. Once your study session is over, you can all take part in tip #5!

5. Reward yourself
a. Once you have finished all of your tasks for your study session, reward yourself with a treat; grab some frozen yogurt, take a nap, go for a bike ride – just make sure you celebrate a job well done!