Meet the 2022-23 College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences CTL Fellow

Demian Hommel is the 2022-23 CTL Fellow in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS).

CEOAS CTL Fellow Demian Hommel photo

CEOAS CTL Fellow’s 2022-23 Goals

In his CTL Fellow role, Demian has the following three overarching goals and priorities identified in collaboration with CEOAS administration.

  • Goal 1: Create/improve the on-boarding process of new teaching faculty in CEOAS, such as contacting new hires and offering one-on-one consults.
  • Goal 2: Create/improve on-boarding process for new faculty, with invitation to all existing faculty, via a 2 hour boot camp Winter term. (Small Teaching approach.)
  • Goal 3: Work with the CEOAS Peer Review of Teaching Committee on identified goals, while exploring the use of related CTL resources, and while reaching out to other colleges to identify ways colleges are approaching this type of work.

Thanks to Demian and the CEOAS administration for their work towards creating and meeting these goals!