Call for 2024-25 Center for Teaching and Learning Fellows Applications

We are accepting applications for OSU Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Fellows as colleges renew or onboard for the 2024-25 academic year. Join us! Access the CTL Fellows Call for 2024-25 Application form. It includes a program overview; a summary of CTL Fellows’ roles and responsibilities; CTL Fellows’ qualifications; and the appointment, nominations, application, and selection process.

Nominations will be accepted from academic leadership (deans, directors, and department heads) OR directly from interested candidates with a written endorsement from the nominee’s unit or college leadership. College deadlines for applications are listed on the CTL Fellows Call for 2024-25 Application form and vary by college. 

Contact the CTL Fellows Assistant Director, Cheridy Aduviri, for specific information regarding your college prior to applying.

Apply Now!