We are excited to announce the Flipped Classroom event on May 13th from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Kearney 311 and via Zoom. Below you will find details about the event, including pre/post engagement survey questions and recommended resources for further exploration. Whether or not you can attend, we encourage you to engage with our survey questions and review the provided resources. We aim to record the session and make it accessible post-event.

Event Description
As the educational landscape evolves, particularly with the pandemic’s push towards technology, we’re seeing a shift towards blended learning, which combines online and in-person learning in innovative ways. This session will delve into one such innovative approach: the flipped classroom. This approach reverses traditional lectures and homework, allowing class time for hands-on activities and deeper engagement. Our panel of experienced faculty will share insights on how this method enhances learning and student involvement. Whether you’re curious about implementing this model or seeking ways to invigorate your teaching, this session will offer valuable perspectives and practical strategies. Consider how this innovative form of course delivery might fit into your teaching repertoire.
- Cub Kahn, Blended and Hybrid Learning Consultant and College Liaison, CTL and Ecampus
- Margaret Haak, Senior Instructor II, College of Science
- Andrew Olstad, Director of Teaching and Learning Excellence, College of Business
- Kyle Webb, Senior Instructor II, College of Engineering – Cascades
Pre Engagement Questions
Here are the pre engagement questions to get us thinking about active learning. If you are willing, it would be useful to us if you submit your responses to the below questions on our survey, accessible via this link using your OSU ONID. We will use it to guide our work.
- Have you tried implementing the flipped classroom? If so, how experienced are you?
- If you have not tried, are you thinking about it?
- Why are you interested/not interested in implementing a flipped classroom?
Active Learning Resources
Below are getting started resources recommend by panelist, Cub Kahn, for reviewing on the flipped classroom.
- Flipped Learning: What is it and When is it Effective? – This is an article which is a part of a meta-analysis of 300+ studies to gauge the effects of flipped versus lecture-based learning on academic, intra-/interpersonal, and satisfaction-related outcomes. The study identified variables that influence relative efficacy of flipped courses vs. traditional courses in higher ed. (The full report on this study: https://doi.org/10.3102/00346543211019122)
- Myths and Facts about Flipped Learning – Robert Talbert, a leading expert on flipped learning especially in STEM courses, clears up common misconceptions about flipped approaches.
- The Flipped Classroom – A concise 1-minute video to initiate discussion of the potentials of flipped learning.
Post Engagement Questions
After attending the session or reviewing the recording if you are willing, it would be useful to us in guiding our work if you submit your responses on our survey, accessible via this link using ONID.
- What did you learn about the flipped classroom approach?
- What questions do you still have about it?
- Do you have any resources or examples of ways you’ve implemented it you’d like to share with us? Explain.
Related OSU Resources
The topics in this event may spur questions that our colleagues are here to discuss. They provide one-on-one consults and more! Check out their resources.
College of Engineering Faculty – Thank You for Participating!
College of Engineering faculty, your expertise and passion for teaching are what make the College of Engineering a leader in innovative education. This event is a stepping stone towards transforming our classrooms into vibrant, engaging spaces where students and educators alike thrive. We look forward to your contributions and insights.
Related Events
This is one of a series of events sponsored by the college of Engineering administration and organized by the College’s Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Fellows. Additional resources, recordings, and food for thought in the survey questions may be found in the posts from past events, including the following:
- Bredow, C.A., Roehling, P. V. (2021, September 28). Flipped learning: What is it, and when is it effective?. Brookings. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/flipped-learning-what-is-it-and-when-is-it-effective/
- Bredow, C. A., Roehling, P. V., Knorp, A. J., & Sweet, A. M. (2021). To flip or not to flip? A meta-analysis of the efficacy of flipped learning in higher education. Review of Educational Research, 91(6), 878–918. https://doi.org/10.3102/00346543211019122
- Talbert, R. (2017, September 25). Myths and facts about flipped learning. EDUCAUSE Review. https://er.educause.edu/articles/2017/9/myths-and-facts-about-flipped-learning
- Flipped classroom. Center for Teaching & Learning. (n.d.). https://ctl.utexas.edu/instructional-strategies/flipped-classroom
- Photos of College of Engineering event by Cub Kahn.