OSU-Cascades Transitioning from P: Drives to Box


As of January 2019, OSU-Cascades customers will be gradually transitioning away from personal network shares (“P drives”) to Box for all non-confidential data.

I am adding a field to the CN new account request form today that will ask whether a P: drive should be provisioned. The default for employees will be set to “yes”. The OSU-Cascades IT team will set this to “no” on the form when they request new accounts. They will then work to transition current P drive users to Box when their computers are refreshed. This process will likely take a while.

Please be aware that not all CN customers have P drives today. Going forward, you can expect to see more and more CN customers who do not have a P drive, and this is expected. We should be encouraging customers to use Box as the preferred storage and collaboration tool for non-confidential data. For confidential data, we can still create a restricted share or P drive as needed.

The following KB article covers this topic and will be updated as we run into other use cases that need to be considered with this change: