Bench Printer Driver Repository

By now everyone should be aware that all printers need to be installed using the model specific PCL 6 drivers. We are no longer using universal print drivers unless they are the only option.

To help make printer installation more efficient I have put together a printer driver repository at:

\\tss-softstore\Utilities\_Bench Printer Drivers

Whenever you install a printer’s drivers, check there first. If you do not see the drivers for your printer model there, please add them in.

Hopefully this will make our lives easier in the long run. Thanks!

Notice – OWA Planned Upgrade

via Jason Appah

Just some info on a minor change to Outlook Web App so you all are aware and prepared for when it happens. The log in page will be changed up a bit, now reflecting the more current Outlook style:
OWA upgrade login
The log in form works exactly the same. You may either use your Domain\user or to log in. The changes are merely aesthetic, but may cause some confusion to users. The instructions to getting there are the same as well; -> Exchange Outlook Web App. The HelpDocs page will also be updated when this change is made, and will include screenshots and examples. You may direct users to this if they have questions.

Currently the plan is to push this change out on February 15th, at about 10:00PM.

Policy Change – OSU Secure

On Tuesday, February 3rd at 5pm, a TSS domain-wide policy for OSU_Secure wireless will be deployed. What this does is create a wireless profile for OSU_Secure, sets it as the default profile and makes it available prior to Windows logon. Users will have the option to switch to OSU_Access if needed. OSU Extension has been excluded from this change due to potential issues with older access points. Additionally, Microsoft Surface tablets will be excluded from this change due to issues with wireless drivers that do notproperly support Cisco PEAP authentication.

See the link for documentation and troubleshooting details: OSU_Secure GPO Information