Travel Awards

The CAGS Travel Reimbursement Award is designed to provide graduate students with financial support to cover part of the cost of actively participating in prestigious conferences and venues, beyond just attending the event.

How to Apply

The student must submit the following:

(1) a completed CAGS Travel Reimbursement Application Form (Adobe PDF form), (2) a copy of the submitted abstract or submitted product, (3) a 100 word explanation of the conference as it relates to the student’s research and professional development, and (4) all relevant receipts (air travel, conference registration, meals, hotel, gas, shuttles, etc.).

Applications must be submitted by the application deadline and emailed to Josh Blockstein (


Complete applications for the CAGS Travel Reimbursement Award will be selected based on:

  1. the number of other sources, awards, and grants
  2. active participation (e.g. giving a poster or oral presentation, etc.)
  3. attempts at economizing costs
  4. previously awarded CAGS Travel Reimbursements
  5. the student’s stage in the degree program
    (e.g. senior students with no previous reimbursements have priority)
  6. relevance of the conference to student’s work

Important Deadlines in 2022 – 2023

Fall 2022Friday of Week 10
Winter 2023Friday of Week 10
Spring 2023Friday of Week 10
Summer 2023August 15, 2023

For more information, contact:

Josh Blockstein –