If you are interested in getting involved with CAGS, please reach out to cags.general@gmail.com! There are always opportunities to get involved.
Below are the 2024-2025 Officers:

Name: Sarah Beethe
Position: President
Pronouns: She/Her
Program: Geology, PhD
Year: 4th
Advisor: Anthony Koppers
Project: Using 40Ar/39Ar geochronology to understand volcano-tectonic relationships in submarine environments
A Fact: I unconsciously stick my tongue out when I’m trying to concentrate on something

Name: Olivia Williams
Position: Vice President and Treasurer
Pronouns: She/Her
Program: Geology, PhD
Year: 5th
Advisor: Christo Buizert
Project: Noble gases as an ice core melt proxy
A Fact: I won an award in college for my poem about the Mt. St. Helens eruption
Website: oliviawilliamsgeo.com

Name: Kristina Fillman
Position: Professional Development Chair
Pronouns: She/Her
Program: Geography, PhD
Year: 3rd
Advisor: Jim Thatcher
Project: How have the emissions associated with wildfire smoke changed over time and what is the impact of these changes on air quality and hospitalization for children
A Fact: My first college major was fashion design

Name: Joshua Blockstein
Position: Awards Chair
Pronouns: He/Him
Program: ESGP, PhD
Year: 2nd
Advisor: Jenna Tilt
Project: Assessing disaster resilience among Oregon Latinx coastal communities using a community capitals framework
A Fact: Humans have climbed 8,849 meters (summit of Mt Everest) without the assistance of a vehicle, but have only dived 332.25 meters deep without a vehicle.

Name: Anna Hughes
Position: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) Co-Chair
Pronouns: She/Her
Program: OEAS – OEB, PhD
Year: 4th
Advisor: Clare Reimers
Project: Regional Class Research Vessel Project
A Fact: I have an identical twin!

Name: Najiba Rashid
Position: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) Co-Chair
Pronouns: She/her
Program: Geography, PhD
Year: 3rd
Advisor: Jenna Tilt
Project: Disaster Debris Management through the Lens of Community Engagement
A Fact: I like to travel and read historical fiction books

Name: Lauren Rice
Position: Outreach Chair
Pronouns: She/Her
Program: MRM, M.S.
Year: 2nd
Advisor: Karen MacLeod and Ana Spalding
Project: Comparing the strategies utilized by commercial marine resource harvesters to adapt to environmental stressors along the U.S. West Coast
A Fact: I used to be a tour guide for OSU when I was an undergraduate student!

Name: Haley Carlton
Position: Social Chair
Pronouns: She/Her
Program: OEAS – OEB, M.S./PhD
Year: 3rd
Advisor: Lorenzo Ciannelli
Project: Analyzing zooplakton and ichtyoplankton community ecology in response to water masses in Arctic fjord systems
A Fact: I started college as a business major but got back into science by working in a goat lab studying the attractiveness of a goat by how smelly it was.

Name: Henry Pitts
Position: Geography Representative
Pronouns: He/Him
Program: Geography, PhD
Year: 1st
Advisor: Aaron Wolf
Project: Spiritual Dimension of Transboundary Water Negotiations
A Fact: I am a triplet! My better two thirds are a lot cooler than I am!

Name: Bennett Van Horn
Position: Geology Representative
Pronouns: He/Him
Program: Geology, PhD
Year: 2nd
Advisor: Adam Kent and Frank Tepley
Project: Isotopic survey of Aleutian Arc volcanics
A Fact: I played alto saxophone and bassoon through high school and undergraduate.

Name: Jenna Travers
Position: Marine Resource Management (MRM) Representative
Pronouns: She/They
Program: MRM, M.S.
Year: 2nd
Advisor: Michael Harte
Project: Framings and Perceptions of Invasive Pacific Salmon in High Latitudes
A Fact: I told my high school science teacher that salmon were boring and I would never want to take a class about them. I now owe him an apology.

Name: Katie Stelling
Position: Marine Geology & Geophysics (MG&G) Representative
Pronouns: She/Her
Program: OEAS – MG&G, PhD
Year: 3rd
Advisor: Mo Walczak
Project: Using sediment cores from the West Greenland Margin to understand the oceanographic conditions leading up to the retreat of the Greenland Ice Sheet following the Last Glacial Maximum
A Fact: I’m a big fan of fun-shaped pasta

Name: Maria Christina Alvarez
Position: Ocean Ecology and Biogeochemistry (OEB) Representative
Pronouns: She/Her
Program: OEAS – OEB, MS
Year: 3rd
Advisor: Laurie Juranek
Project: Historical changes in dissolved oxygen concentrations in the Arctic Basin
A Fact: Some people have the misconception that sea otters are lazy. However, they rely constantly on the use of their paws and whiskers to keep up with their dietary needs of 10 pounds of food per day.

Name: Andrew Basham
Position: Physics of Oceans and the Atmosphere (POA) Discipline Representative
Program: OEAS – ATS, PhD
Year: 2nd
Advisor: Nick Siler
Project: Using pseudo-global warming to model future projections of orographic precipitation
A Fact: My dad and I are hobbyist bee keepers