Discovery of Alternative Approach using The Trivedi Effect® to Alter Antibiogram

Acinetobacter in healthcare settings are very common group of bacteria that causes variety of diseases, ranging from pneumonia to serious blood or wound infections. Experimental setup was designed to evaluate the effect of Mr. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi (also known as The Trivedi Effect®) unique biofield energy treatment on Acinetobacter baumannii for antibiogram, biochemical study, and biotype. The results have been published in the peer-reviewed International journal (JBR Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Research). Hospitalized patients with weak immune system, chronic lung disease, diabetic individuals, and persons with open wound are at great risk for Acinetobacter infection. It lives on the skin surface, and can survive for several days, which can transmit from contaminated surface or person-to-person contact. A. baumannii outbreak has been reported several times in intensive care unit (ICU). The treatment approach depends on the organ system involved, while monotherapy and combination therapy has been most commonly preferred. The results showed that 15.78% alterations were reported in antimicrobials sensitivity pattern, while 12.90% change in minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of tested antimicrobials as compared with the control. Moreover, the biochemical reactions and biotype number were altered after biofield treatment as compared to the control. Overall, it can be concluded that Mr. Trivedi’s unique biofield treatment could be applied to alter the sensitivity profile of antimicrobials to fight against its associated infections.

Here is the link to this experiment:–an-experimental-study-2376-0311-1000117.php?aid=62548


One thought on “Discovery of Alternative Approach using The Trivedi Effect® to Alter Antibiogram”

  1. I too believe that the alternative medicines are more capable than the traditional drug therapy and “Energy Healing Therapy” is a best of them.

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