Discovery of Alternative Approach using The Trivedi Effect® to Alter Antibiogram

Acinetobacter in healthcare settings are very common group of bacteria that causes variety of diseases, ranging from pneumonia to serious blood or wound infections. Experimental setup was designed to evaluate the effect of Mr. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi (also known as The Trivedi Effect®) unique biofield energy treatment on Acinetobacter baumannii for antibiogram, biochemical study, and biotype. The results have been published in the peer-reviewed International journal (JBR Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Research). Continue reading “Discovery of Alternative Approach using The Trivedi Effect® to Alter Antibiogram”

Characterization of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile of Biofield Treated Multidrug-resistant Klebsiella oxytoca

Klebsiella oxytoca (K. oxytoca) is a Gram-negative pathogen, cylindrical rod shaped, non-motile in nature, and belongs to Enterobacteriaceae family. Klebsiella spp. are ubiquitous in environment [1], but K. oxytoca can be cultured from intestines of healthy humans and animals, oropharynx, mucous membrane and skin. K. oxytoca initially named as Aerobacter aerogens, which was identified as Klebsiella pneumoniae, but recent report classified it as K. oxytoca, on the basis of indole-positive test and ability to grow on melezitose, not in 3-hydroxybutyrate [2]. Continue reading “Characterization of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile of Biofield Treated Multidrug-resistant Klebsiella oxytoca”