Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium Astronomer- in-Residence and Oregon State University Physics and Honors College Instructor Randy Milstein  has had a busy month speaking about the 2017 Great American Eclipse. The links below highlight some of his presentations and interviews.

Follow this link to his interview with Al Jazeera English (The first independent news channel in the Arab world dedicated to providing comprehensive news and live debate).

He spoke with the OSU Alumni Association in Beaverton, Oregon on August 8.
A link to his presentation is here.

On August 14, he was interviewed by OSU’s KBVR radio station.
You can listen to the interview here.

He was interviewed for the CBS This Morning story,  “Man Bikes Across the US to Educate America About the Solar Eclipse,” that aired on August 19. He isn’t the man on the bike. There wasn’t enough time with all of his other outreach events!
The feature is available here.
His portion of the story is at minute 3:16-3:34.

In addition to all of his speaking engagements and teaching summer classes, Dr. Milstein led nine solar eclipse camera lens workshops with Heart of the Valley Astronomy astrophotographer Tom Carrico and OSU Assistant Professor of Art Julia Bradshaw.

Carrico’s artwork can be seen at “Totality” at the Fairbanks Gallery (220 SW 26th St) Aug. 14-Sept. 28.
Dr. Milstein’s artwork can been seen at the Lasells Stewart Center’s Giustina Gallery during the OSU150 Space Grant Art Exhibit and also at the Memorial Union Concourse Gallery.

You can hear Randy Milstein and Davide Lazzati speak at the OSU150 Space Grant Festival: A Total Eclipse Experience on August 19 and 20th at LaSells Stewart Center.











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