From our January Teachers’ Workshop:
Thanks to Brain Hartman from the College of Education for sharing this bioenergy activity with us at the workshop.
It All Comes Down to Glucose Lesson Plan
It’s All About Glucose Powerpoint Presentation
From our January Teachers’ Workshop:
Here are the Wave Power Lesson Plan, Wave Energy Engineering powerpoint presentation, and Wave Energy Converter Diagram from the Wave Power Generators session at the workshop. Thanks to Kyle and Emily from Precollege Programs!

Wave Energy Lesson Plan
Wave Energy Engineering Presentation
Wave Energy Converter Diagram
From our January Teachers’ Workshop:
Brewing for Bioenergy Lesson Plan

Brewing for Bioenergy Presentation – This is the powerpoint that Brian Hartman shared during the session
From the January Teachers’ Workshop:
Here are the materials associated with the Renewable Energy and Wind Turbine kit lesson (presented by Brian Hartman, PhD Candidate in Education):
Renewable Wind Energy Presentation
Basic Wind-Kit Manual

From our January Teachers’ Workshop:
We heard from Dr. David Ji, an Assistant Professor in the Chemistry Department at OSU. Below are the materials that we shared with you:
Energy Storage in the 21st Century – This is Dr. Ji’s powerpoint presentation.
Understanding Batteries & Capacitors Lesson Plan – This is the lesson plan created by SMILE and shared with you at the workshop.

Battery Activity Introductory Powerpoint – This is a powerpoint presentation created by SMILE that can be used to introduce the topic of batteries and how they work as well as the above activity.

Battery Types – This is an excel spreadsheet that can be used for an extensional activity where students explore different types of batteries and their applications.
As seen by our last post, students put forth a great effort during our High School Challenge. While learning about ways to recycle, the students also were able to talk to current Oregon State University students about college life. Here are some pictures from those events. Additional photos can be seen on our Facebook page found here.

This past week the SMILE program was happy to host over 100 high school students from clubs across Oregon during the annual High School Challenge event. Students learned about bioenergy and used data to make decisions about what kind of bioenergy feedstock would be the right choice for their designated communities. Students created posters which included infographics to defend their decisions. Check out their work:

High School SMILE teachers, we need your help! In preparation for the April High School Challenge event, we have a survey about bioenergy in your communities. We would like this survey to be filled out by you and your students and returned before Spring Break. The survey and additional documentation can be found below. You can return surveys by emailing Renee O’Neill ( the data in the excel sheet, sending the hard copy originals via standard mail, or scanning in your surveys and emailing them as PDFs. Whatever format you choose is fine, as long as we can see the data and are able interpret the results for the SMILE High School Challenge. Please also send a copy of the complete survey your students use to help us interpret the data.
There is a section in the lesson plan on manipulating and interpreting data but please note that this is optional for you and your students to complete. We will be compiling and interpreting data in preparation for the HSC event.
Thank you so much for your help and we look forward to seeing you all here in April!