I am an evaluator, charter member of the American Evaluation Association, and former member of the forerunner organization, Evaluation Network. When you push my “on ” button, I can talk evaluation until (a lot of metaphors could be used here); and often do. (I can also talk about other things with equal passion, though not professionally.) When my evaluation button is pushed or, for that matter, most of the time, I wonder what difference
am I making. In this case, I wonder what difference I am making with this blog.
One of my readers (I have more than I ever imagined) suggested that I develop an “online” survey that I can include regularly in my posts. I thought that was a good idea. I thought I’d go one better and have it be a part of the blog. Then I would tabulate the findings (if there are any 🙂 ). Just so you know, I DO read all the comments; I get at least six daily. I often do not comment on those, however.
So, reader, here is the making a difference survey . This link will (should) take you to Surveymonkey and the survey. Below, I’ve listed the questions that are in the survey.
Check all that apply.
Reading this blog makes a difference to me by:
- _____ Giving me a voice to follow
- _____ Providing interesting content
- _____ Providing content I can use in my work
- _____ Providing dependable post
- _____ Providing me with information to share
- _____ Building my skills in evaluation
- _____ Showing me that there are others in the world concerned with similar things
- _____ Offering me good reading about an interesting weekly topic
- _____ Offering me content of value to me
- _____ Other. Please specify in comment
Please complete the survey.