Alan Rickman died this month. He was an actor of my generation; one that provided me with much entertainment. I am sad. Then I saw this quote on the power of stories. How stories explain. How stories can educate. How stories can help reduce bias. And I am reminded how stories are evaluative.
Dick Krueger did a professional development session (then called a “pre-session”) many years ago. It seems relevant now. Of course, I couldn’t find my notes (which were significant) so I did an online search, using “Dick Krueger and stories” as my search terms. I was successful! (See link.) When I went to the link, he had a whole section on story and story telling. What I remember most about that session is what he has listed under “How to Analyze the Story”. Specifically the four points he lists under problems with credibility:
- Authenticity – Truth
- Accuracy – Memory Problems
- Representativeness and Sampling
- Generalizability / Transferability
The next time you tell a story think of it in evaluative terms. And check out what Dick Krueger has to say. Continue reading