For the last three weeks, since I posted the history matching game, I’ve not been able to post with images.  Every time I go to save the draft, the post vanishes.  I’m working with the IT folks.  They haven’t given me any alternatives.  I posting this today without images to let you know that I am still here, that I still have thoughts, and that I will post something of substance again soon.  Please be patient.  Thank you.

Those of you who read this blog know a little about evaluation.  Perhaps you’d like to know more?  Perhaps not…

I think it would be valuable to know who was instrumental in developing the profession to the point it is today; hence, a little history.  This will be fun for those of you who don’t like history.  It will be a matching game.  Some of these folks have been mentioned in previous posts.  I’ll post the keyed responses next week.

Directions:  Match the  name with the evaluation contribution.  I’ve included photos so you know who is who, who you can put with a name and a contribution.

1.  2.  

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.

11. 12.

13.   14. 15. 

16.   17. 18.

19. 20.  



A.  Michael Scriven                1.  Empowerment Evaluation

B.  Michael Quinn Patton     2.  Mixed Methods

C.  Blaine Worthen                 3.  Naturalistic Inquiry

D.  David Fetterman              4.  CIPP

E.  Thomas Schwandt            5. Formative/Summative

F.  Jennifer Greene                  6. Needs Assessment

G.  James W. Altschuld          7.  Developmental Evaluation

H.  Ernie House                          8.  Case study

I.   Yvonna Lincoln                    9.  Fourth Generation Evaluation

J.  Egon Guba                            10. Evaluation Capacity Building

K.  Lee J. Cronbach                   11.  Evaluation Research

L.  W. James Popham               12.  Teacher Evaluation

M.  Peter H. Rossi                       13.  Logic Models

N.  Hallie Preskill                       14.  Educational Evaluation

O.  Ellen Taylor-Powell            15.  Foundations of Program Evaluation

P.  Robert Stake                           16. Toward Reform of Program Evaluation

Q.  Dan Stufflebeam                  17. Participatory Evaluation

R.  Jason Millman                      18. Evaluation and Policy

S.  Will Shadish                           19. Evaluation and epistomology

T.  Laura Leviton                        20. Evaluation Certification


There are others more recent who have made contributions.These represent the folks who did seminal work that built the profession.  It also includes some more recent thinkers.  Have fun.

Independence is an evaluative question.

Think about it while you enjoy the holiday.

Were the folks who fought the Revolutionary War, truly revolutionaries? OR were they terrorists?

Was King George a despot or just a micromanager?

My favorite is this:  Was the War Between the States, the last battle of the War of/for Independence?

I’m sure there are other  evaluative questions.  Got a question that is evaluative?  Let me know.