A few weeks ago I  mentioned that a colleague of mine shared with me some insights she had about survey development.  She had an Aha! moment.   We had a conversation about that Aha! Moment and video taped the conversation.  To see the video, click here.


In thinking about what Linda learned, I realized that Aha! Moments could be a continuing series…so watch for more.

Let me know what you think.  Feedback is always welcome.

Oh–I want to remind you about an excellent resource for surveys.  Dillman’s current book, Internet, mail, and mixed-mode surveys:  The tailored design method.  It is a Wiley publication by Don A. Dillman, Jolene D. Smyth, and Leah Melani Christian.  Needs to be on your desk if you do any kind of survey work.

I started this post back in April.  I had an idea that needed to be remembered…it had to do with the unit of analysis; a question which often occurs in evaluation.  To increase sample size and, therefore,  power, evaluators often choose run analyses on the larger number when the aggregate, i.e., smaller number is probably the “true” unit of analysis.  Let me give you an example.

A program is randomly assigned to fifth grade classrooms in three different schools.  School A has three classrooms; school B has two classrooms; and school C has one classroom.  All together, there are approximately 180 students, six classrooms, three schools.  What is the appropriate unit of analysis?  Many people use students, because of the sample size issue.  Some people will use classroom because each got a different treatment.  Occasionally, some evaluators will use schools because that is the unit of randomization.  This issue elicits much discussion.  Some folks say that because students are in the school, they are really the unit of analysis because they are imbedded in the randomization unit.  Some folks say that students is the best unit of analysis because there are more of them.  That certainly is the convention.  What you need to decide is what is the unit and be able to defend that choice.  Even though I would loose power, I think I would go with the the unit of randomization.  Which leads me to my next point–truth.

At the end of the first paragraph, I use the words “true” in quotation marks. The Kirkpatricks in their most recent blog opened with a quote from the US CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia, “”And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”.   (We wont’ talk about the fiction in the official discourse, today…)   (Don Kirkpatrick developed the four levels of evaluation specifically in the training and development field.)  Jim Kirkpatrick, Don’s son, posits that, “Applied to training evaluation, this statement means that the focus should be on discovering and uncovering the truth along the four levels path.”  I will argue that the truth is how you (the principle investigator, program director, etc.) see the answer to the question.  Is that truth with an upper case “T” or is that truth with a lower case “t”?  What do you want it to mean?

Like history (history is what is written, usually by the winners, not what happened), truth becomes what do you want the answer to mean.  Jim Kirkpatrick offers an addendum (also from the CIA), that of “actionable intelligence”.  He goes on to say that, “Asking the right questions will provide data that gives (sic) us information we need (intelligent) upon which we can make good decisions (actionable).”  I agree that asking the right question is important–probably the foundation on which an evaluation is based.  Making “good decisions”  is in the eyes of the beholder–what do you want it to mean.

“Resilience = Not having all of your eggs in one basket.

Abundance = having enough eggs.”

Borrowed from and appearing in the blog by Harold Jarche, Models, flows, and exposure, posted April 28, 2012.


In January, John Hagel blogged in  Edge Perspectives:  “If we are not enhancing flow, we will be marginalized, both in our personal and professional life. If we want to remain successful and reap the enormous rewards that can be generated from flows, we must continually seek to refine the designs of the systems that we spend time in to ensure that they are ever more effective in sustaining and amplifying flows.”

That is a powerful message.  Just how do we keep from being marginalized, especially when there is a shifting paradigm?  How does that relate to evaluation?  What exactly do we need to do to keep evaluation skills from being lost in the shift and be marginalized?  Good questions.

The priest at the church I attend is retiring, after 30 years of service.  This is a significant and unprecedented change (at least in my tenure there).  Before he left for summer school in Minnesota, he gave the governing board a pep talk that has relevance to evaluation.  He posited that what we needed to do was not focus on what we needed, rather focus on what strengths and assets we currently have and build on them.  No easy task, to be sure.  And not the  usual approach for an interim.  The usual approach is what do we want; what do we need for this interim.  See the shifting paradigm?  I hope so.

Needs assessment is often the same approach–what do you want; what do you need.  (Notice the use of the word “you” in this sentence; more on that later in another post.)  A well intentioned evaluator recognizes that something is missing or lacking and conducts a needs assessment documenting that need/lack/deficit.  What would happen, do you think, if the evaluator documented what assets existed and developed a program to build that capacity?  Youth leadership development has been building programs to build assets for many years (See citations below).  The approach taken by the youth development professionals is that there are certain skills, or assets, which, if strengthened, build resilience.  Buy building resilience, needs are mitigated; problems solved or avoided; goals met.

So what would happen if, when conducting a “needs” assessment, an evaluator actually conducted an asset assessment and developed programs to benefit the community by building capacity which strengthened assets and built resiliency?  Have you ever tried that approach?

By focusing on strengths and assets instead of weaknesses and liabilities, programs could be built that would benefit more than a vocal minority.  The greater whole could benefit.  Wouldn’t that be novel?  Wouldn’t that be great!


1.  Benson, P. L. (1997).  All Kids are Our Kids.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass Publishers

2.  Silbereisen, R. K. & Lerner, R. M. (2007).  Approaches to Positive Youth Development. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.


A colleague asks, “What is the appropriate statistical analysis test when comparing means of two groups ?”


I’m assuming (yes, I know what assuming does) that parametric tests are appropriate for what the colleague is doing.  Parametric tests (i.e., t-test, ANOVA,) are appropriate when the parameters of the population are known.    If that is the case (and non-parametric tests are not being considered), I need to clarify the assumptions underlying the use of parametric tests, which have more stringent assumptions than nonparametric tests.  Those assumptions are the following:

The sample is

  1. randomized (either by assignment or selection).
  2. drawn from a population which has specified parameters.
  3. normally distributed.
  4. demonstrating  equality of variance in each variable.

If those assumptions are met,  the part answer is, “It all depends”.  (I know you have heard that before today.)

I will ask the following questions:

  1. Do you know the parameters (measures of central tendency and variability) for the data?
  2. Are they dependent or independent samples?
  3. Are they intact populations?

Once I know the answers to these questions I can suggest a test.

My current favorite statistics book, Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics, by Neil J. Salkind (4th ed.) has a flow chart that helps you by asking if you are looking at differences between the sample and the population and relationships or differences between one or more groups. The flow chart ends with the name of a statistical test.  The caveat is that you are working with a sample from a larger population that meets the above stated assumptions.

How you answer the questions above also depends on what test you can use.  If you do not know the parameters, you will NOT use a parametric test.  If you are using an intact population (and many Extension professionals use intact populations), you will NOT use inferential statistics as you will not be inferring to anything bigger than what you have at hand.  If you have two groups and the groups are related (like a pre-post test or a post-pre test), you will use a parametric or non-parametric test for dependency.  If you have two groups and are they unrelated (like boys and girls), you will use a parametric or non-parametric test for independence.  If you have more than two groups you will use different test yet.

Extension professionals are rigorous in their content material; they need to be just as rigorous in their analysis of the data collected from the content material.  Understanding the what analyses to use when is a good skill to have.




Last weekend, I was in Florida visiting my daughter at Eckerd College.  The College was offering an Environmental Film Festival and I had the good fortune to see Green Fire, a film about Aldo Leopold and the land ethic.   I had seen it at OSU and was impressed because it was not all doom and gloom; rather it celebrated Aldo Leopold as one of the three leading and  early conservationists  (the other two are John Muir and Henry David Thoreau ).  Dr. Curt Meine, who narrates the film and is a conservation biologist, was leading the discussion again; I had heard him at OSU.  At the showing early, I was able to chat with him about the film and its effects.  I asked him how he knew he was being effective.  His response was to tell me about the new memberships in the Foundation, the number of showings, and the size of the audience seeing the film.  Appropriate responses for my question.  What I really wanted to know was how did he know he was making a difference.  That is a different question; one which talks about change.  Change is what programs like Green Fire is all about.  It is what Aldo Leopold was all about (read Sand County Almanac to understand Leopold’s position.)


Change is what evaluation is all about.  But did I ask the right question?  How could I have phrased it differently to get at what change had occurred in the viewers of the film?  Did new memberships in the Foundation demonstrate change?  Knowing what question to ask is important for program planners as well as evaluators.  There are often multiple levels of questions that could be asked–individual, programmatic, organizational, regional, national, global.  Are they all equally important?  Do they provide a means forgathering pertinent data?  How are you going to use these data once you’ve gathered them?  How carefully do you think about the questions you ask when you craft your logic model?  When you draft a survey?  When you construct questions for focus groups?  Asking the right question will yield relevant answers.  It will show you what difference you’ve made in the lives of your target audience.


Oh, and if you haven’t see the film, Green Fire, or read the book, Sand County Almanac–I highly recommend them.

I am reading the book, Eaarth, by Bill McKibben (a NY Times review is here).  He writes about making a difference in the world on which we live.  He provides numerous  examples that have all happened in the 21st century, none of them positive or encouraging. He makes the point that the place in which we live today is not, and never will be again, like the place in which we lived when most of us were born.  He talks about not saving the Earth for our grandchildren but rather how our parents needed to have done things to save the earth for them–that it is too late for the grandchildren.  Although this book is very discouraging, it got me thinking.


Isn’t making a difference what we as Extension professionals strive to do?

Don’t we, like McKibben, need criteria to determine what that difference can/could/would be made and look like?

And if we have that criteria well established, won’t we be able to make a difference, hopefully positive (think hand washing here)?  And like this graphic, , won’t that difference be worth the effort we have put into the attempt?  Especially if we thoughtfully plan how to determine what that difference is?


We might not be able to recover (according to McKibben, we won’t) the Earth the way it was when most of us were born; I think we can still make a difference–a positive difference–in the lives of the people with whom we work.  That is an evaluative opportunity.



A colleague asks for advice on handling evaluation stories, so that they don’t get brushed aside as mere anecdotes.  She goes on to say of the AEA365 blog she read, ” I read the steps to take (hot tips), but don’t know enough about evaluation, perhaps, to understand how to apply them.”  Her question raises an interesting topic.  Much of what Extension does can be captured in stories (i.e., qualitative data)  rather than in numbers (i.e., quantitative data).  Dick Krueger, former Professor and Evaluation Leader (read specialist) at the University of Minnesota has done a lot of work in the area of using stories as evaluation.  Today’s post summarizes his work.


At the outset, Dick asks the following question:  What is the value of stories?  He provides these three answers:

  1. Stories make information easier to remember
  2. Stories make information more believable
  3. Stories can tap into emotions.

There are all types of stories.  The type we are interested in for evaluation purposes are organizational stories.  Organizational stories can do the following things for an organization:

  1. Depict culture
  2. Promote core values
  3. Transmit and reinforce the culture
  4. Provide instruction to employees
  5. Motivate, inspire, and encourage

He suggests six common types of organizational stories:

  1. Hero stories  (someone in the organization who has done something beyond the normal range of achievement)
  2. Success stories (highlight organizational successes)
  3. Lessons learned stories (what major mistakes and triumphs teach the organization)
  4. “How it works around here” stories (highlight core organizational values reflected in actual practice
  5. “Sacred bundle” stories (a collection of stories that together depict the culture of an organization; core philosophies)
  6. Training and orientation stories (assists new employees in understanding how the organization works)

To use stories as evaluation, the evaluator needs to consider how stories might be used, that is, do they depict how people experience the program?  Do they understand program outcomes?  Do they get insights into program processes?

You (as evaluator) need to think about how the story fits into the evaluation design (think logic model; program planning).  Ask yourself these questions:  Should you use stories alone?  Should you use stories that lead into other forma of inquiry?  Should you use stories that augment/illustrate results from other forms of inquiry?

You need to establish criteria for stories.  Rigor can be applied to story even though the data are narrative.  Criteria include the following:   Is the story authentic–is it truthful?  Is the story verifiable–is there a trail of evidence back to the source of the story?  Is there a need to consider confidentiality?  What was the original intent–purpose behind the original telling?  And finally, what does the story represent–other people or locations?

You will need a plan for capturing the stories.  Ask yourself these questions:  Do you need help capturing the stories?  What strategy will you use for collecting the stories?  How will you ensure documentation and record keeping?  (Sequence the questions; write them down the type–set up; conversational; etc.)  You will also need a plan for analyzing and reporting the stories  as you, the evaluator,  are responsible for finding meaning.


A colleague asked me yesterday about authenticating anecdotes–you know–those wonderful stories you gather about how what you’ve done has made a difference in someones life?


I volunteer service to a non-profit board (two, actually) and the board members are always telling stories about how “X has happened” and how “Y was wonderful” yet,  my evaluator self says, “How do you know?”  This becomes a concern for organizations which do not have evaluation as part of their mission statement.  Evan though many boards hold accountable the Executive Director, few make evaluation explicit.

Dick Krueger  , who has written about focus groups, also writes and studies the use of stories in evaluation and much of what I will share with y’all today is from his work.

First, what is a story?  Creswell (2007, 2 ed.) defines story as “…aspects that surface during an interview in which the participant describes a situation, usually with a beginning, a middle, and an end, so that the researcher can capture a complete idea and integrate it, intact, into the qualitative narrative”.  Krueger elaborates on that definintion by saying that a story “…deals with an experience of an event, program, etc. that has a point or a purpose.”  Story differs from case study in that case study is a story that tries to understand a system, not an individual event or experience; a story deals with an experience that has a point.  Stories provide examples of core philosophies, of significant events.

There are several purposes for stories that can be considered evaluative.  These include depicting the culture, promoting core values, transmitting and reinforcing current culture, providing instruction (another way to transmit culture), and motivating, inspiring, and/or encouraging (people).  Stories can be of the following types:  hero stories, success stories, lesson-learned stories, core value  stories, cultural stories, and teaching stories.

So why tell a story?  Stories make information easier to remember, more believable, and tap into emotion.  For stories to be credible (provide authentication), an evaluator needs to establish criteria for stories.  Krueger suggests five different criteria:

  • Authentic–is it truthful?  Is there truth in the story?  (Remember “truth” depends on how you look at something.)
  • Verifiable–is there a trail of evidence back to the source?  Can you find this story again?
  • Confidential–is there a need to keep the story confidential?
  • Original intent–what is the basis for the story?  What motivated telling the story? and
  • Representation–what does the story represent?  other people?  other locations?  other programs?

Once you have established criteria for the stories collected, there will need to be some way to capture stories.  So develop a plan.  Stories need to be willingly shared, not coerced; documented and recorded; and collected in a positive situation.  Collecting stories is an example where the protections for  humans in research must be considered.  Are the stories collected confidentially?  Does telling the stories result in little or no risk?  Are stories told voluntarily?

Once the stories have been collected, analyzing and reporting those stories is the final step.  Without this, all the previous work  was for naught.  This final step authenticates the story.  Creswell provides easily accessible guidance for analysis.

My oldest daughter graduated from High School Monday.  Now, she is facing the reality of life after high school–the emotional let down, the lack of structure; the loss of focus.  I remember what it was like to commence…another word for beginning.  I think I was depressed for days.  The question becomes evaluative when one thinks of planning, which is what she has to do now.  In planning, she needs to think:  What excites me?  What are my passions?  How will I accomplish the what?  How will I connect again to the what?  How will I know I’m successful?

Ellen Taylor-Powell,  former Distinguished Evaluation Specialist at the University of Wisconsin Extension, talks about planning on the professional development website at UWEX.  (There are many other useful publications on this site…I urge you to check them out.)  This publication has four sections:  focusing the evaluation, collecting the information, using the information, and managing the evaluation.  I want to talk more about focusing the evaluation–because that is key when beginning, whether it is the next step in your life, the next program you want to implement, or the next report you want to write.

This section of the publication asks you to identify what you are going to evaluate, the purpose of the evaluation, who and how they will use the evaluation, what questions you want to answer, what information you need to answer those questions, develop a time-line, and, finally, identify what resources you will need.  I see this as puzzle assembly–one where you do not necessarily have a picture to guide you.  Not unlike a newly commenced graduate–finding a focus is putting together a puzzle.–you won’t know what the picture is, where you are going, until you focus and develop a plan.  For me, that means putting the puzzle together.  It means finding the what and the so what.  It is always the first place to commence.

I was putting together a reading list for an evaluation capacity building program I’ll be leading come September and was reminded about process evaluation.  Nancy Ellen Kiernan has a one page handout on the topic.  It is a good place to start.  Like everything in evaluation, there is so much more to say.  Let’s see what I can say in 440 words or less.

When I first started doing evaluation (back when we beat on hollow logs), I developed a simple approach (call it a model) so I could talk to stakeholders about what I did and what they wanted done.  I called it the P3 model–Process, Progress, Product.  This is a simple approach that answers the following evaluative questions:

  • How did I do what I did? (Process)
  • Did I do what I did in a timely manner? (Progress)
  • Did I get the outcome I wanted (Product)

It is the “how” question I’m going to talk about today.

Scriven, in the 4th ed of the Evaluation Thesaurus, says that a process evaluation “focuses entirely on the variables between input and output”.  It may include input variables.  Knowing this helps you know what the evaluative question is for the input and output parts of a logic model (remember there are evaluative questions/activities for each part of a logic model).

When considering evaluating a program, process evaluation is not sufficient; it may be necessary and still not be sufficient.  An outcome evaluation must accompany a process evaluation.  Evaluating process components of a program involves looking at internal and external communications (think memos, emails, letters, reports, etc.); interface with stakeholders (think meeting minutes); the formative evaluation system of a program (think participant satisfaction); and infrastructure effectiveness (think administrative patterns, implementation steps, corporate responsiveness; instructor availability, etc.).

Scriven provides these examples that suggest the need for program improvement: “…program’s receptionists are rude to most of a random selection of callers; the telephonists are incompetent; the senior staff is unhelpful to evaluators called in by the program to improve it; workers are ignorant about the reasons for procedures that are intrusive to their work patterns;  or the quality control system lacks the power to call a halt to the process when it discerns an emergency.”  Other examples which demonstrate program success are administrators are transparent about organizational structure; program implementation is inclusive; or participants are encouraged to provide ongoing feedback to program managers.  We could then say that a process evaluation assesses the development and actual implementation of a program to determine whether the program was  implemented as planned and whether expected output was actually produced.

Gathering data regarding the program as actually implemented assists program planners in identifying what worked and what did not. Some of the components included in a process evaluation are descriptions of program environment, program design, and program implementation plan.  Data on any changes to the program or program operations and on any intervening events that may have affected the program should also be included.

Quite likely, these data will be qualitative in nature and will need to be coded using one of the many qualitative data analysis methods.