
How To Stay Healthy During The Holiday Season

Photo by
freestocks on Unsplash

You might have come across times when you fell off your health and fitness wagon while you were busy enjoying the holidays. This period between Christmas and New Year’s can become a minefield of festivities, food and fun but it can also take you away from the regular course. 

If you are someone who likes to stay on track, here are a few tips for staying healthy during the holiday season. 

  1. Make the right food choices 

There will be many obligations during the holiday period and overeating at every gathering or party is not one of them. Whenever you are heading out to a holiday party or dinner, you must remember to spoil your appetite first. This way, you are less likely to eat all the goodies you see. Have a snack before you head out. Hence, you will not be very hungry  once you reach the party and you will have the time to see what is available and make choices based on the same. To ensure good health, remember to fill half of the plate with vegetables every time. For the other half, split the plate into quarters and watch your portions. You have to be satisfied but not stuffed.

2.  Hydrate  

This is one thing you must do whether it is the holiday season or not. Drinking water is a very healthy strategy to keep yourself happy. You must drink eight glasses of water every day. When you are dehydrated, you will feel sluggish, tired and hungry. This can lead to missed workouts, reaching out for the extra dose of caffeine or snacking on unhealthy foods. Hence, before you reach out for a snack, you should drink a glass of water first. Watch your caffeine and alcohol intake and try to avoid them late at night. You can alternate each alcoholic drink with a glass of water.  

3.  Sleep well 

Doesn’t a restful night’s sleep feel amazing? It can certainly set you up for success and is important for a good mood and health. No matter what you are doing during the holidays, do not compromise on sleep. Even if you have travel plans, you must make time for sleep and remember, consistency is key so maintain regular sleep and wake times. When you have a night time routine, it can help transition the mind and body from wake to sleep easily. Try not to stay up late or wake up before time in order to get more work done. Get the right amount of sleep at night and you will feel so much better when you wake up. 

4.  Think away from the gym

You might not be close to a gym during the holidays. So, if you have an exercise schedule, you will have to be creative. If you are consulting an online doctor, speak to them about your diet and exercise before you head out on a holiday. Do not give up on your physical exercise only because there is no gym nearby. Instead, try to squeeze in walks after a meal or work out at home. You can incorporate some easy body movements like lunges, squats, burpees, or shoulder taps and take the fitness routine with you wherever you go. Try to get the exercise time in, no matter how big or small. Even a condensed workout is so much better than a missed workout. With a smaller workout, you will still be able to keep off the unwanted pounds while you make the most of the holiday season.

5.  Stop waiting for the new year 

One of the most important things to remember is that the few bumps on the road do not have to turn into a wreck with regard to staying active or eating well in the holidays. You need to get back on the right path, sooner or later. When you fall off the exercise schedule or do not stick to a healthy eating plan, you could end up falling behind. Do not wait for Monday or a new month or the new year. If you want to do it, get back on track right away. A minor change in your routine will not wreck your goals or progress but a couple of days of indulgences or some days of inadequate sleep will throw you off much longer. 

If your goal is to stay healthy during the holiday season, these are a few tips that will help you. No matter where you are, keep these five tips in mind and stick to them. Do not compromise on your diet, sleep and exercise. You will notice a significant difference in your physical and mental health if you remain consistent and disciplined. However, this does not mean you do not enjoy the holidays. Just watch out for what you eat and how you spend your time during the day and night.